- object components are included as first-class objects if and only if there are multiple components for parent object
- object components must have componentID (objectID) that does not conflict with any parent objectID: we can prepend "c" to the componentID to ensure this, per Michael (1/12/12)
- many object components have a non-unique componentNumber (objectNumber), duplicated by other components and/or parent object; these values are OK to import as-is, per Michael (1/12/12)
- "componentType" field does not need to be imported, per Michael (1/12/12)
- "inscribed" field has only a few entries, which can be updated manually after data migration, per Michael (12/15/11)
- DONE: add 6 new custom fields: pahmaCollection, objectStatus, pahmaTms2003DataSource, pahmaTmsLegacyDepartment, inventoryCount, portfolioSeries
- DONE: add controlled list options for 5 of these new fields (all except inventoryCount)
- DONE: nagpraInventoryName field values need to be transformed to match option ID values in existing controlled list
- TODO: "dimensions" field still needs to be dealt with (John Lowe is working on this as of 1/9/12)
- TODO: add isComponent field for indicating components; field should be hidden in main part of UI but included in display name at the top
- TODO: update controlled list options for responsibleDepartment field
Object-Object Relationships extract
- TODO: change objectNameLanguage from static term list to vocabulary-controlled listTODO: add this option to languages list: <option id="gre">Modern Greek</option>
Brief Descriptions extract
- "remarks" field has only a few entries, which can be updated manually after data migration, per Michael (12/15/11)
- TODO: change titleLanguage from static term list to vocabulary-controlled list
- TODO: update options for titleType field
Ethnographic File Codes extract
- pahmaEthnographicFileCode is currently a static term list, but it will be changed to a Concept Authority reference once that authority is availableTODO: add a few additional options to static term list
Associated Dates extract
this data cannot be imported until v2.1