Schema: View below or view Excel version of configuration, loan loan out items extension, loan return items extension, and loan transfer extension
CSpace Information Group | CSpace Field Name | Herbaria Field Name | CSpace Field Definition | CSpace Field Type | Field Repeatable? | Group Repeatable? | Controlled List Contents | |||||||
Loan out information | Loan out number | Loan out number | The unique number assigned to the loan of objects to other organizations. | Controlled number | No | |||||||||
Loan purpose | This field indicates the purpose of the loan of the object. | Controlled list; static | No | exhibition; research; scientific or exhibition preparation; analysis; photography; conservation or other requested services; long term collections management and storage | ||||||||||
Lender | ||||||||||||||
Lender's authorizer | Lender's authorizer | The name of a member of staff giving final approval for the loan out to proceed. | Name authority: Person | No | No | |||||||||
Lender's authorization date | Lender's authorization date | The date on which the lender's authorizer gives approval for a loan out to proceed. | Calendar date | No | ||||||||||
Lender's contact | Lender's contact | The name of the Person assigned responsibility for managing a loan out on behalf of the lending organization. | Name authority: Person | No | ||||||||||
Borrower | ||||||||||||||
Borrower | Borrower | The details of a Person or Organization borrowing an object from the organization. | Name authority: Person, Organization | No | No | |||||||||
Borrower's authorizer | Borrower's authorizer | The name of a member of the borrowing organization's staff giving final approval for the loan out to proceed. | Name authority: Person | No | ||||||||||
Borrower's authorization date | Borrower's contact | The date on which the borrower's authorizer gives approval for a loan out to proceed. | Calendar date | No | ||||||||||
Borrower's contact | Borrower's authorization date | The details of a Person designated by the Borrower to be responsible for dealing with the loan on their behalf. | Name authority: Person | No | ||||||||||
Special conditions of loan | Loan out condition | A statement of conditions on the loan of an object from an organization in addition to those normally laid down. | Text | No | ||||||||||
Loan out note | General information about a loan out. | Text | No | |||||||||||
New field | Major group | Controlled list; static | No | spermatophytes; pteridophytes; algae; bryophytes; fungi; lichen; n/a; misc | ||||||||||
New field | Geography | Text | Yes | |||||||||||
New field | Taxonomy | Taxon authority | Yes | |||||||||||
New field | Object kind | Controlled list; static | Yes | unknown; sheet; specimens; box; bag; sealed bag; jar; packet; slide; unmounted; photograph; photocopy; illustration | ||||||||||
Loan status | ||||||||||||||
Loan status | Loan status | The stage in the Loans out procedure which the entire loan out has reached. | Controlled list; static | No | Yes | agreed; authorized; conservation; photography requested; refused; renewed; requested; returned; sent | ||||||||
Loan status date | Loan status date | The date on which a Loan out status was recorded. | Calendar date | No | ||||||||||
Loan status note | Loan status note | Note about the status of a loan. | Text | No | ||||||||||
Loan out date | Loan out date | The date a loan will exit the institution | Calendar date | No | ||||||||||
New field | Shipping form date | Calendar date | No | |||||||||||
New field | Transportation | Controlled list; static | No | surface; hand-carried; air | ||||||||||
New field | # Packages | Number | No | |||||||||||
New field | Acknowledge date | Calendar date | No | |||||||||||
Loan return date | Loan return date | Date that the loan out is expected to return to the organization. | Calendar date | No | ||||||||||
Loan renewal application date | Loan renewal application date | The date by which the borrowing institution must request a loan renewal. | Calendar date | No | ||||||||||
CSpace Information Group | CSpace Field Name | Herbaria Field Name | CSpace Field Definition | CSpace Field Type | Field Repeatable? | Group Repeatable? | Controlled List Contents | |||||||
New group: Loan out items | New field | Accession numbers | Text | No | ||||||||||
New field | Object number(s) | Text | No | Yes | ||||||||||
New field | Quantity | Number | No | |||||||||||
New field | Loan conditions | Text | No | |||||||||||
New field | Notes | Text | No | |||||||||||
CSpace Information Group | CSpace Field Name | Herbaria Field Name | CSpace Field Definition | CSpace Field Type | Field Repeatable? | Group Repeatable? | Controlled List Contents | |||||||
New group: Loan return items | New field | Object number(s) | Text | No | Yes | |||||||||
New field | Quantity | Number | No | |||||||||||
New field | Return date | Calendar date | No | |||||||||||
New field | New determination | Taxon authority | No | |||||||||||
New field | Notes | Text | No | |||||||||||
CSpace Information Group | CSpace Field Name | Herbaria Field Name | CSpace Field Definition | CSpace Field Type | Field Repeatable? | Group Repeatable? | Controlled List Contents | |||||||
New group: Loan transfers | New field | Transfer date | Calendar date | No | Yes | |||||||||
New field | To institution | Name authority: Institutions | No | |||||||||||
New field | To person | Name authority: Person | No | |||||||||||
New field | Under direction of | Name authority: Person | No | |||||||||||
New field | Quantity | Number | No | |||||||||||
New field | Notes | Text | No |