Test 1: Single facet browse
- Click on any checkbox to the left of the terms in the faceted browse menu on the left side of the screen, e.g. Parsons School of Design or biocomposite
- After enter or clicking search, you should see:
- Your facet term below the search box, e.g. Family name: biocomposite
- The number of records found with your facet term, which should match the number in parenthesis next to your facet term on the left side
- An image grid of materials records containing your facet term
- Click on one or more of the material records returned to confirm that your facet term appears in the records. Use CTRL-F to search for the facet term to confirm.
- Each material record returned should contain the facet term you selected
Test 3: Multiple facet browse
- Continuing from Test 1, click on a second facet term in the menu on the left, e.g. animal
- After enter or clicking search, you should see:
- Your second facet term added to the list of terms below the search box, e.g. Family name: biocomposite, Class name: animal
- The number of records found with your facet terms, which should match the number in parenthesis next to your facet terms on the left side
- An image grid of material records containing your facet terms
- Click on one or more of the material records returned to confirm that your facet terms appear in the records. Use CTRL-F to search for the terms to confirm.
- Each material record returned should contain the facet terms you selected
Test 5: Combined facet browse and keyword search
- Continuing from Test 3, click anywhere in the Search materials box at the top of the screen
- Enter a keyword into the box, e.g. tanned or waxed
- Click the Search button at the far right of the box
- Variation: Hit enter
- After enter or clicking search, you should see:
- Your keyword added to the list below the search box, e.g. e.g. Family name: biocomposite, Class name: animal, Search: tanned
- The number of records found with your keyword and facet terms, which should match the number in parenthesis next to your facet terms on the left side
- An image grid of material records containing your keyword and facet terms
- Click on one or more of the material records returned to confirm that your keyword and facet terms appear in the records. Use CTRL-F to search for the keyword or facet terms to confirm.
- Each material record returned should contain the keyword and facet terms you entered/selected
Test 7: Sort search results
- Continuing from Test 5, click on the sort box (located under the Search button, defaults to Best match)
- Select an alternate sort method from the list, e.g. Z to A
- The material records returned in the image grid will re-sort according to the method chosen, e.g. reverse alphabetically if Z to A
Test 9: Clear facet browse
- Continuing from any earlier test, click the Clear all button next to your facet term(s)
- The checkboxes to the left of the facet terms will clear
- The total number of records returned will revert to the total number of records in the system