TMS to CSpace Media crosswalk

What in the Samhain is going on with the table macro?

Table Columns CSpace destination Cleaned? Migrated? Mapping Notes

MediaFilesFileDateMedia handling information: date createdFileNameMedia handling information: file nameFileSizeMedia handling information: dimension ?FormatIDMedia handling information: formatLoginIDβ€”?β€”noMemorySizeMedia handling information: dimension ?PathIDMedia handling information: locationPixelHMedia handling information: dimension ?PixelWMedia handling information: dimension ?RenditionIDβ€”?β€”ApprovedForWebβ€’ Schema extension/ custom field needed? Needed for filtering for public web viewing on Delphi.CopyrightMedia handling information: rights holderDescriptionappend to Media handling information: description
MediaViewβ€’ Schema extension/ custom field needed? (or append to Media handling information: description)PublicCaptionMedia handling information: description (first part, followed by MediaMaster.MediaView,
MediaMaster.Description, MediaRenditions.Remarks, and MediaXrefs.RemarksRestrictionsβ€’ Schema extension/ custom field needed?EnteredDateβ€”?β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”LoginIDβ€”?β€”noMediaSizeIDβ€”?β€”MediaTypeIDβ€”?β€”ParentRendIDβ€”?β€”Qualityβ€”?β€”Remarksappend to Media handling information: descriptionRenditionNumberMedia handling information: identification number
ThumbFileNameβ€”?β€”ThumbPathIDβ€”?β€”EnteredDateβ€”?β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”ID(person-related digital media)(exhibition-related digital media)(loan-related digital media)(conservation- and/or condition-related digital media)(object-related digital media)(historical event-related digital media)(place-related digital media)(shipment-related digital media)LoginIDMedia handling information: contributor? (or publisher?)no
PrimaryDisplayβ€”?β€”Rankβ€”?β€”Remarksβ€’ Schema extension/ custom field needed? (or append to Media handling information: description)

EnteredDateβ€”?β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”noβ€”?β€”Only if useful for versioning context.
Migrate if
not automatically extracted upon import
Migrate if
not automatically extracted upon import
WHERE FileSize
<> 0
use as FK to
MediaFormats.FormatID to get format info.
nouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

use as FK to
MediaPaths.PathID to get file location
β€”?β€”Needed? Useful if importing unlinked images
noβ€”?β€”Only if useful for versioning context.
nouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

β€”?β€”Useful? If MediaSizeID=2, original film format was 35mm
β€”?β€”Needed? Indicates whether file is Image (”1”), Audio (”2”), Video (”3”), Document (”4”), Slide (”10”), or Negative (”9”)
β€”?β€”Useful? (799 are != -1)
β€”?β€”Worth importing? (”great”: 209; β€œPeru”: 512; <null>: 521,838)
β€”?β€”Indicates location of thumbnails for the images (6 different locations)
noβ€”?β€”Only if useful for versioning context.
WHERE TableID=23, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s information
WHERE TableID=47, use as FK to Exhibitions.ExhibitionID to get exhibition info.
WHERE TableID=81, use as FK to Loans.LoanID to get loan info.
WHERE TableID=97, use as FK to CondLineItems.CondLineItemID to get [conservation]
condition line item info.
WHERE TableID=108, use as FK to Objects.ObjectID to get object info.
WHERE TableID=187, use as FK to HistEvents.HistEventID to get historical event info.
WHERE TableID=189, use as FK to Sites.SiteID to get place info.
WHERE TableID=345, use as FK to Shipments.ShipmentID to get shipment info.
no use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's infoOnly if useful for attribution content.
The primary image to be displayed is indicated by PrimaryDisplay=1
Indicates the relative display order of images (media with lower numbers should be displayed before media with higher numbers).