work in progress
Account service offers operations to manage an account in CollectionSpace. To securely access the CollectionSpace services, an account is required for the user.
Key Concepts
Following describes the relationship between an Account, a Person and a User in the [default identity provider].
Unknown macro: {gliffy}
An account is associated with at least one Person in CollectionSpace. An account might have a user identity in the default identity provider.
Assumptions for managing accounts with identities managed by [CollectionSpace Identity Provider]
Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt-include}
Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt-include}
- The Person Service is the System of Record (SOR), or authoritative data source, for personIds.
- The SOR for systemIds is TBD.
- [collectionspace:Authentication Service Description and Assumptions]
- [Design notes for multi-tenancy in CollectionSpace]