Developing for CollectionSpace
This is the place where you - as a software developer, integrator, or implementer - can find documentation on developing for CollectionSpace:
- Writing or integrating applications or scripts that talk to CollectionSpace systems.
- Extending CollectionSpace by writing custom code for your institution's implementation.
- Working directly on the CollectionSpace project as a community contributor.
Tip: The left sidebar makes finding documentation easier
To view the Table of Contents links in the left sidebar, click this icon in the upper-right area of this page:
This section is in the process of being updated. If you don't find what you're looking for here, we encourage you to:
- View the documentation on the main project wiki. Most developer documentation is still located on that wiki. (You might start by searching for documents containing terms such as "developer" or "API".)
- Post your questions to the Talk list.
Over time, current developer documentation will be migrated from the main project wiki to this wiki.
The following documents are available in this section:
- CollectionSpace APIs
- Services Layer REST API
- Location Service REST APIs
- Reporting Service RESTful APIs
- Acquisition Service REST APIs
- Movement Service RESTful APIs - Release v0.7
- Common Services REST API documentation
- Authority REST API for Hierarchies
- Authorization Service RESTful APIs - Release v1.0a
- Blob Service RESTful API
- Object Exit Service RESTful APIs
- Relationship Service RESTful APIs
- Vocabulary Service REST APIs - Release v0.1
- Batch Job Service RESTful APIs
- Loan In Service RESTful APIs - Release v0.8
- Place Service REST APIs
- Media Service RESTful API
- IntakeService REST APIs - Release v0.1
- Loan Out Service RESTful APIs - Release v0.5.2
- Intake Service RESTful APIs - Release v0.5
- Concept Service REST APIs
- CollectionObject Service RESTful APIs
- Group Service RESTful APIs - Release v1.8
- Person Service REST APIs
- Imports Service Home
- Organization Service REST APIs
- Services Layer Java API
- Application Layer REST API
- User Interface Layer JavaScript API
- Services Layer REST API
- Extending CollectionSpace
- Webapps for CollectionSpace
- Development Tools and Techniques
- Debugging Tools and Techniques
- Directory structure for the Services layer source code