Configuration Screencasts

Configuration Screencasts


Introduction text goes here.

CollectionSpace for VirtualBox

About the Virtual Machine

We've built an entire virtual machine instance of CollectionSpace for you using VirtualBox.  You can use this instance as the place to make the configuration changes described in the screencasts below.  We built the virtual machine starting with a standard Ubuntu 14 Server ISO and then running the CollectionSpace Puppet "installer."  We've mapped the following ports from your host machine to the virtual machine:

AppHost PortGuest PortDescription
ssh222222Allows you to SSH into the virtual machine
collectionspace81808180Allows you to reach CollectionSpace from your browser

Allows you to each the CollectionSpace database(s)

Webmin1000010000Allows you to manage the virtual machine with Webmin

Getting the Virtual Machine

We've actually zipped up the entire virtual machine directory from our VirtualBox's "VirtualBox VMs" directory an put it on our public FTP server at nightly.collectionspace.org.  Using your FTP client, follow these instructions:

  1. FTP into our public service

    ftp nightly.collectionspace.org
  2. Use "anonymous" as the username and your email address as the password.
  3. Go to the directory containing the current release of the zip file.  From the FTP prompt,

    cd pub/collectionspace/virtualboxes/4.1.1
  4. Switch FTP into "binary" mode.

  5. Download the zip file. (it's a large file so the download could take a long time)

    get cspace_4.1.zip

Since the file you just downloaded is a zipped up virtual machine directory from our VirtualBox's "VirtualBox VMs" directory, you'll need to unzip it and copy it to your VirtualBox's "VirtualBox VMs" directory.

Find the "VirtualBox VMs" Directory

<describe how to find the "VirtualBox VMs" on OS X, Windows, and Ubuntu>

After downloading, unzipping, and copying the directory to the right place (see above), you'll need to explicitly add the virtual machine to VirtualBox's list of managed VMs.  You can do that by selecting "Add..." from Virtual Box's "Machine" menu.  Navigate to and select the CollectionSpace *.vbox file -it's inside the directory you just copied.  You should now see the CollectionSpace virtual machine in the list (left pane) of VirtualBox's main window.

Starting the Virtual Machine

If you've successfully added the virtual machine, you should see the CollectionSpace virtual machine in the list (left pane) of VirtualBox's main window.  Select it and press the "start" button (a thick green arrow) to start the virtual machine.

Once the machine finishes starting up, you should be able to login using the username "cspace" and the password "cspace".  Upon logging in, you'll be greeted with a welcome message with instructions for starting up CollectionSpace.  To see this message again, using the "cshelp" command at the command prompt.

Logging into the Virtual Machine from your host machine

In VirtualBox, we've configured port 2222 on your host machine to map to port 22 on the virtual machine. This means you can SSH into the virtual machine from your host machine's SSH client using the following command:

ssh cspace@localhost -p 2222

Using CollectionSpace from your host machine

Start CollectionSpace on the virtual machine by running the 'csup' command as the 'cspace' user. Since we've mapped your host machine's port 8180 to the same port on your virtual machine, you can reach the CollectionSpace webapp by following this link: http://localhost:8180/collectionspace/ui/core/html/index.html

Administer the Virtual Machine using Webmin

We've installed Webmin (www.webmin.com) on the virtual machine and mapped port 10000 on your host machine to the same port on the virtual machine.  You can reach webmin at the following link: https://localhost:10000.

Saving and Reverting states of the Virtual Machine using Snapshots

VirtualBox's "snapshots" allow you to save and revert the state of the virtual machine.  We've included one snapshot.  Use this snapshot to revert the virtual machine back to its original "clean" state.  Create your own snapshots as you follow the configuration instructions in screencasts below.


CollectionSpace Configuration Screencasts

How Add a New Field

<screencast goes here>

How to Hide a Field

<screencast goes here>

How to Change a Field's Label

<screencast goes here>

<screencast goes here>

How to Add, Edit, and Remove Terms from a Dynamic Term List

<screencast goes here>


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