Business Rules Management Service Contract Description

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Business Rules Management Service

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Dev (0.1) Release Notes/History
From KSS "Business Rules Management Service" contract.
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Business Rules Management Service Description and Assumptions
BRMS Entity Diagram - diagram used in the creation of BRMS
BRMS Core Technical Entity Diagram
BRMS Design Specification
BRMS stack describes the relationship between the BRMS and the run-time rules engine (Drools)
Conceptual model of the BRMS - See version 7
Service Basket 2 Operation Sandbox - remove link after migration to avoid confusion
Rules Capabilities

BRMS Structures


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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves the list of agenda types known by this service
None None No parameters
agendaTypeKeyList list of agenda type keys
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Note that code returns List of Strings

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves the list of business rule types known by this service
None None No parameters
businessRuleTypeKeyList list of business rule type keys
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Note that code returns List of Strings

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves business rules types for the specified agenda type
agendaTypeKey agendaTypeKey type of agenda
businessRuleTypeKeyList list of business rule type keys
DOES_NOT_EXIST agendaType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid agendaType
MISSING_PARAMETER missing agendaType
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Note in code I/P parm is a String and return is List of Strings

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves the list of anchor types known by this service
None None No parameters
anchorTypeKeyList list of anchor type keys
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Note that code returns List of Strings

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves the information needed to determine the agendaInfo.
agendaTypeKey agendaTypeKey (question) the context for the agenda of business rules, e.g., LuiPersonRelation, PersonPersonRelation or type of agenda?
agendaDeterminationInfo identifiers to be able to determine the agendaInfo (list of business rule types, anchor types, orchestration) for a given agendaTypeKey
DOES_NOT_EXIST agendaContext not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid agendaContext
MISSING_PARAMETER missing agendaContext
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Note that in code I/P parm is a String

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves the information needed for the specified agenda type and agenda info determination structure. An agenda Info contains a list of business rule types, their anchor types and orchestration of business rule types.
agendaTypeKey agendaType the agenda type
agendaDeterminationInfo AgendaInfoDeterminationStructure list of zero or more keys that are required to determine a specific agendaInfo for with a given agendaTypeKey.
agendaInfo information about an agenda including output state set, list of business rules types, their anchor type keys, orchestration (XML with order, decision points, exit points).
DOES_NOT_EXIST agendaType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid agendaType
MISSING_PARAMETER missing agendaType
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Note that in code I/P parm is a String

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves the information associated with a business rule type (business rule type key, anchor type key, fact structure list available for the rules of this type)
businessRuleTypeKey businessRuleTypeKey the business rule type key
anchorTypeKey anchorTypeKey the anchor type key
businessRuleTypeInfo information about the business rule type
DOES_NOT_EXIST agendaType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid agendaType
MISSING_PARAMETER missing agendaType
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Note that in code I/P parms are Strings

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves a list of specific business rules that belong to the given business rule type and anchor.
businessRuleAnchorInfo businessRuleAnchorInfo Business rule type, anchor type key and anchor value.
businessRuleInfoList information about business rules including list of business rules types, their anchor type keys values, and fact structures (with the definition keys filled out for the business rule)
~abucior Just as a point of clarity, what should be returned about the Facts here should be enough to retrieve them. As such, it may be the id of the Fact in the Fact Finding Service as well as what type of id should be passed in, or the searchType in a richer search service along with the shape of the criteria structure (potentially partially filled in, depending on how much static information is included).
DOES_NOT_EXIST agendaType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid agendaType
MISSING_PARAMETER missing agendaType
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Note that in code I/P parm is named BusinessRuleAnchor

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves a list of specific business rules that belong to the given business rule type and anchor.
businessRuleAnchorInfoList businessRuleAnchorInfoList List of business rule types, anchor type keys and anchor values.
businessRuleInfoList information about business rules including list of business rules types, their anchor type keys values, and fact structures (with the definition keys filled out for the business rule)
~abucior Just as a point of clarity, what should be returned about the Facts here should be enough to retrieve them. As such, it may be the id of the Fact in the Fact Finding Service as well as what type of id should be passed in, or the searchType in a richer search service along with the shape of the criteria structure (potentially partially filled in, depending on how much static information is included).
DOES_NOT_EXIST agendaType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid agendaType
MISSING_PARAMETER missing agendaType
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves all identifiers for anchors of the specified type
anchorTypeKey anchorTypeKey type of anchor
anchorValueList list of the anchors matching the specified type
DOES_NOT_EXIST anchorType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid anchorType
MISSING_PARAMETER missing anchorType
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Note that in code I/P parm is a String and return is List of Strings

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves all identifiers for business rules of the specified type
businessRuleTypeKey businessRuleTypeKey type of business rule
businessRuleIdList list of identifiers for business rules matching the specified type
DOES_NOT_EXIST businessRuleType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid businessRuleType
MISSING_PARAMETER missing businessRuleType
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Note that in code I/P parm is a String and return is List of Strings

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves information about the business rule. Rule elements are not present in the response.
businessRuleId businessRuleId the business rule id
businessRuleInfo information needed to execute the business rule
DOES_NOT_EXIST businessRuleId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid businessId
MISSING_PARAMETER missing businessRuleId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Note in code I/P parm is a String

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves detailed information including the rule elements composing the business rules
businessRuleId businessRuleId the business rule id
businessRuleInfo information needed by the GUI to render the business rule and update it.
DOES_NOT_EXIST businessRuleId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid businessId
MISSING_PARAMETER missing businessRuleId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Note in code I/P parm is a String

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
retrieves english translation of a business rule
businessRuleId businessRuleId the business rule id
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274808 english translation of a business rule
DOES_NOT_EXIST businessRuleId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid businessId
MISSING_PARAMETER missing businessRuleId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
(warning) Shouldn't this operation be called something more generic, e.g. fetchBusinessRuleTranslation? Not everyone using KS will want an English translation.
Note in code I/P parm is a String

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Creates a Business Rule of a given type
businessRuleInfo businessRuleInfo Information required to create the business rule
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274808 Status message
ALREADY_EXISTS business rule already exists
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid businessRuleType, businessRuleInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing businessRuleType, businessRuleInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
(warning) This should return the new businessRuleInfo

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Updates a business rule record
businessRuleId businessRuleId identifier for business rule to be updated
businessRuleInfo businessRuleUpdateInfo information needed to update a business rule record
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275040 status of the operation (success or failure)
DOES_NOT_EXIST businessRuleId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid businessRuleId, businessRuleUpdateInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing businessRuleId, businessRuleUpdateInfo
READ_ONLY attempted to update a read only attribute
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
(warning) Note that code does not return READ_ONLY error
This should return an updated businessRuleInfo

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Deletes a business rule record.
businessRuleId businessRuleId identifier for business rule to be deleted
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275040 status of the operation (success or failure)
DOES_NOT_EXIST business rule does not exist
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid businessRuleId
MISSING_PARAMETER missing businessRuleId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
DEPENDENT_OBJECTS_EXIST One or more objects linked to this rule id
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Creates a new version from the input business rule keeping the originalRuleId as that of the provided business rule. The new version is created with DRAFT_IN_PRORGRESS state. New versions can be created only from ACTIVE or RETIRED rules.
businessRuleInfo businessRuleInfo business rule
businessRuleInfo new business rule cloned from the input with new businessRuleId
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR new state is not valid
DOES_NOT_EXIST business rule does not exist
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid businessRuleId, brState
MISSING_PARAMETER missing businessRuleId, brState
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Updates a business rule record's state. This is typically used to activate or retire a business rule.
businessRuleId businessRuleId identifier for business rule
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274808 brState new state for the business rule. Value is expected to be constrained to those in the brState enumeration.
businessRuleInfo updated business rule
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR new state is not valid
DOES_NOT_EXIST business rule does not exist
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid businessRuleId, brState
MISSING_PARAMETER missing businessRuleId, brState
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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