Media Service Description and Assumptions
Media Service Description and Assumptions
Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt} The Media Service provides basic support for managing metadata around media. This includes data about creation, publishing and rights; dimensions (resolution, time length, etc.), and similar attributes.
Also included in the broad category of media service support is production and management of derivatives (thumbs, etc.) and some annotation support. We need to think a lot more about the extent of this support, especially in the area of time-based media annotation and delivery (segment playback, etc.).
- We have to be able to manage digital images, and produce and expose simple derivatives.
- We are not building a digital asset management (DAM) system.
- We would like to be able to consume services from DAM systems when they are present.
- Time-based media support is much more complex.
Key Concepts
- Especially things that become common sense, and so usually missed by new reviewers
- Media services may relate to Archival and Preservation services.
- It needs to be looked at closely related to the Resource services.
Background Documentation
- We should have at least some notes from community design meetings, so link to them here.
- AFAIK, there are few if any relevant sections in Spectrum. There are best practices from other sources we may be able to draw upon.
, multiple selections available,