Contact Service Questions

Contact Service Questions


Note that it is better to place discussion points inline, as sub-bullets, than to put them in comments where the context and flow is harder to reconstruct.

  • Are KSS Media Types sufficient to accommodate Internationalization of contact info?

    We will need to consider whether adding media types - such as a "Japanese postal address type" - is sufficient to accommodate this need, or if some other extensions mechanism may be necessary. One potential source of inspiration is the OASIS Universal Business Language Technical Committee (UBL TC), which has done an enormous amount of work in the area of contact information, including Internationalization. Their customization guidelines (MS Word document) provide some guidelines on composing primitive types into new delivery address types, for instance, within the UBL context.
  • What representation formats are required?

    Do we need to accommodate vCard (or an XHTML representation of same) at some point, in addition to the standard XML-based payload(s) for this service?