Loan Out Service Questions
Loan Out Service Questions
Note that it is better to place discussion points inline, as sub-bullets, than to put them in comments where the context and flow is harder to reconstruct.
- Not clear if need separate information for ingoing versus outgoing loans, although they are not necessarily symmetric. (Follow-up note: the Loan Out Service is being modeled and implemented separately from the Loan In Service, and each has its own, similar but distinctive schema for procedural records.)
- If wanted to support automation of info transfer between institutions for a loan, would have to take care to model for symmetry (e.g., with a loaned-object schema).
- Does Loan have a hierarchic aspect? I.e., will there be a notion of a grouping Loan that gathers up separate but somehow related Loans? An Exhibition might require multiple (incoming) Loans, but would there be a reason to group Loans?