CollectionObject Service Description

CollectionObject Service Description

CollectionObject Service

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


This is a draft page, exploring the structure and layout of the service description. There is a fair amount of cruft from a copy of a template used by KSS, so do not take the details here too seriously at this point.

Name Version
Dev Release Notes/History
CollectionObject Service Description and Assumptions


CollectionObject Service Description and Assumptions
CollectionObject Service Entity Diagram - diagram which matches understandings/concepts described through the service (warning) switch to versioned link when publishing
CollectionObject Service Stack


Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of object type identifiers known by this service. Example: fooInfo.
None None No parameters
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274931 list of object type identifiers
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the basic dictionary information about a particular object structure. Including all variations based on a certain type and state. Example: Given that a CLU is of type "Course" and in the state of "Proposed," tell which fields are read only, mandatory, not applicable, have enumerations available, etc.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274955 objectTypeKey identifier of the object type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274927 describes the fields for the input object type
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified objectTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid objectTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing objectTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of enumeration values for a particular enumeration with a certain context for a particular date. The values returned should be those where the supplied date is between the effective and expiration dates. Certain enumerations may not support this functionality.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274894 enumerationKey identifier of the enumeration
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274903 contextType identifier of the enumeration context type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274808 contextValue value of the enumeration context
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274812 contextDate date and time to get the enumeration for
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274883 list of enumerated codes and values
DOES_NOT_EXIST enumerationKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid enumerationKey, contextType, contextValue, contextDate
MISSING_PARAMETER missing enumerationKey, contextType, contextValue, contextDate
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of search types known by this service.
None None No Parameters
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274914 list of search type information
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a particular search type.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275028 searchTypeKey identifier of the search type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274920 information on the search type
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified searchTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid searchTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER searchTypeKey not specified
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of search types which return results in the specified format.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275032 searchResultTypeKey identifier of the search result type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274914 list of search type information
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified searchResultTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid searchResultTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER searchResultTypeKey not specified
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of search types which use criteria in the specified format.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275018 searchCriteriaTypeKey identifier of the search criteria
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274914 list of search type information
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified searchCriteriaTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid searchCriteriaTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER searchCriteriaTypeKey not specified
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of search result types known by this service. Search result types describe the return structure for a search.
None None No Parameters
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275023 list of search result type information
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a particular search result type. Search result types describe the return structure for a search.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275032 searchResultTypeKey identifier of the search result type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274906 information on the search result type
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified searchResultTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid searchResultTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER searchResultTypeKey not specified
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of search criteria types known by this service.
None None No parameters
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274979 list of search criteria type information
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a particular search criteria type.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275018 searchCriteriaTypeKey identifier of the search criteria type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274965 information on the search criteria type
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified searchCriteriaTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid searchCriteriaTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER searchCriteriaTypeKey not specified
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of organization hierarchies known by this service.
None None No parameters
orgHierarchyInfoList list of organization hierarchies
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a specific organization hierarchy.
orgHierarchyKey orgHierarchyKey organization hierarchy identifier
orgHierarchyInfo information about the specified organization hierarchy
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgHierarchy not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgHierarchyKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgHierarchyKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of types of organizations known by this service.
None None No parameters
orgTypeInfoList List of organization types
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about the specified type of organization.
orgTypeKey orgTypeKey organization type identifier
orgTypeInfo organization type
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of all types of relationships between organizations known to the service.
None None No parameters
orgOrgRelationTypeInfoList list of organization to organization relationship types
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about the specified type of relationship between organizations.
orgOrgRelationTypeKey orgOrgRelationTypeKey organization organization relationship type identifier
orgOrgRelationTypeInfo organization organization relationship type information
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgOrgRelationType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgOrgRelationTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgOrgRelationTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the types of relationships between organizations that are allowed for a particular type of organization.
orgTypeKey orgTypeKey organization type identifier
orgOrgRelationTypeInfoList list of relationship types between organizations for the specified organization type
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the types of relationships between organizations that are allowed for a particular organization hierarchy.
orgHierarchyKey orgHierarchyKey organization hierarchy identifier
orgOrgRelationTypeInfoList list of relationship types between organizations
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgHierarchy not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgHierarchyKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgHierarchyKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all types of relationships between an organization and a person known by this service.
None None No parameters
orgPersonRelationTypeInfoList list of all organization person relationship types
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a type of relationship between an organization and a person.
orgPersonRelationTypeKey orgPersonRelationTypeKey organization person relationship type identifier
orgPersonRelationTypeInfo organization person relationship type information
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the types of relationships between an organization and a person that are allowed for a particular organization type.
orgTypeKey orgTypeKey organization type identifier
orgPersonRelationTypeInfoList list of organization person relationship types that are valid for the supplied organization type (may have nothing)
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Validates an organization. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests related to this object. If an identifier is present for the organization (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the organization can be shifted to the new values. If an identifier is not present or a record cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower, typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the current object.
validationTypeKey validationType identifier of the extent of validation
orgInfo orgInfo organization information to be tested.
validationResultList results from performing the validation
DOES_NOT_EXIST validationTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid validationTypeKey, orgInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing validationTypeKey, orgInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Validates an organization to organization relationship. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests related to this object. If an identifier is present for the organization organization relationship (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the organization organization relationship can be shifted to the new values. If an identifier is not present or a record cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower, typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the current object.
validationTypeKey validationType identifier of the extent of validation
orgOrgRelationInfo orgOrgRelationInfo organization organization relationship information to be tested.
validationResultList results from performing the validation
DOES_NOT_EXIST validationTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid validationTypeKey, orgOrgRelationInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing validationTypeKey, orgOrgRelationInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Validates a organization to person relationship. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests related to this object. If an identifier is present for the organization person relationship (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the organization person relationship can be shifted to the new values. If an identifier is not present or a record cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower, typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the current object.
validationTypeKey validationType identifier of the extent of validation
orgPersonRelationInfo orgPersonRelationInfo organization person relationship information to be tested.
validationResultList results from performing the validation
DOES_NOT_EXIST validationTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid validationTypeKey, orgPersonRelationInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing validationTypeKey, orgPersonRelationInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Validates an organization position restriction. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests related to this object. If an identifier is present for the position restriction (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the position restriction can be shifted to the new values. If an identifier is not present or a record cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower, typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the current object.
validationTypeKey validationType identifier of the extent of validation
orgPositionRestrictionInfo orgPositionRestrictionInfo organization position restriction information to be tested.
validationResultList results from performing the validation
DOES_NOT_EXIST validationTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid validationTypeKey, orgPositionRestrictionInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing validationTypeKey, orgPositionRestrictionInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves an existing organization by its identifier.
orgId orgId identifier for org to be retrieved
orgInfo details of the organization for this id
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgId not found
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves a list of existing organizations from a list of identifiers.
orgIdList orgIdList identifiers for orgs to be retrieved
orgInfoList details of the organizations for these ids
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgId not found
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves an existing organization to organization relationship by the relationship identifier
orgOrgRelationId orgOrgRelationId identifier for org to org relation to be retrieved
orgOrgRelationInfo details of the orgOrgRelation for this id
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgOrgRelationId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgOrgRelationId
MISSING_PARAMETER invalid orgOrgRelationId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves a list of existing organization to organization relationships from a list of identifiers
orgOrgRelationIdList orgOrgRelationIdList identifiers for org org relations to be retrieved
orgOrgRelationInfoList details of the organizations for these ids
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgOrgRelationId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgOrgRelationId
MISSING_PARAMETER invalid orgOrgRelationId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves organization to organization relationships for a particular organization
orgId orgId organization identifier for which organization organization relationships are to be found
orgOrgRelationInfoList List of org to org relations found for the supplied organization
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgId not found
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves organization to organization relationships that have been made TO a particular organization. Opposite direction from #getOrgOrgRelationsByOrg.
orgId relatedOrgId organization identifier for which the reverse organization organization relationships are to be found
orgOrgRelationInfoList List of organization organization relationships found for the supplied organization
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgId not found
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Tests if a org has a current relationship with a specified organization.
orgId orgId identifier of the organization
orgId comparisonOrgId identifier of the organization to be compared to
orgOrgRelationTypeKey orgOrgRelationTypeKey type of relationship between the organizations
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274878 true if a relationship exists
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgId, comparisonOrgId, orgOrgRelationType
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgId, comparisonOrgId, orgOrgRelationType
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Tests if a specified organization is a descendant of the other specified organization in the given organization hierarchy.
orgId orgId identifier of the "ancestor" organization
orgId descendantOrgId identifier of the organization to be checked if it is a descendant
orgHierarchyKey orgHierarchy identifier of the organization hierarchy to be checked against
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274878 True if the organization is a descendant of the other organization in that hierarchy
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgId, descendantOrgId, orgHierarchy
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgId, descendantOrgId, orgHierarchy
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
If additional hierarchies are added to this service (ex. around "positions"), we may need to add additional semantics to this operation to distinguish which hierarchy is being referred to.

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of identifiers for the "descendant" organizations of the specified organization in the given organization hierarchy. Information about the distance from the original organization is not passed in this call, so this can be seen as a flattened and de-duplicated representation.
orgId orgId identifier of the "ancestor" organization
orgHierarchyKey orgHierarchy identifier of the organization hierarchy to be checked against
orgIdList list of identifiers for the "descendant" organizations for the specified organization
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgId, orgHierarchy
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgId, orgHierarchy
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
If additional hierarchies are added to this service (ex. around "positions"), we may need to add additional semantics to this operation to distinguish which hierarchy is being referred to.

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of identifiers for the "ancestor" organizations of the specified organization in the given organization hierarchy. Information about the distance from the original organization is not passed in this call, so this can be seen as a flattened and de-duplicated representation.
orgId orgId identifier of the "descendant" organization
orgHierarchyKey orgHierarchy identifier of the organization hierarchy to be checked against
orgIdList list of identifiers for the "ancestor" organizations of the specified organization
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgId, orgHierarchy
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgId, orgHierarchy
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
If additional hierarchies are added to this service (e. around "positions"), we may need to add additional semantics to this operation to distinguish which hierarchy is being referred to.

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves an existing org to person relation by the relation ID
orgPersonRelationId orgPersonRelationId identifier for org to person relation to be retrieved
orgPersonRelationInfo details of the orgPersonRelation for this id
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgPersonRelationId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgPersonRelationId
MISSING_PARAMETER invalid orgPersonRelationId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves a list of existing organization to person relations from a list of org person relation IDs
orgPersonRelationIdList orgPersonRelationIdList identifiers for org person relations to be retrieved
orgPersonRelationInfoList details of the relations for these ids
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgPersonRelationId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgPersonRelationId
MISSING_PARAMETER invalid orgPersonRelationId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of identifiers for people that have the specified type of relationship to this organization
orgId orgId identifier of the organization that members are being found for
orgPersonRelationTypeKey orgPersonRelationTypeKey type of organization person relationship that is being looked for
personIdList list of person identifiers that match supplied criteria
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgId, orgPersonRelationType not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgId, orgPersonRelationType
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgId, orgPersonRelationType
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the org to person relations for a particular organization
orgId orgId identifier for the organization for which organization person relationships are to be found
orgPersonRelationInfoList list of organization person relationships found for the supplied organization
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgId not found
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all OrgPersonRelations for a particular Person and Organization
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275074 personId person to use to look for relationships
orgId orgId organization to use to look for relationships
orgPersonRelationInfoList list of organization person relationships that exist for the supplied person and organization
DOES_NOT_EXIST personId, orgId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid personId, orgId
MISSING_PARAMETER missing personId, orgId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all organization person relationships for a person.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275074 personId person to get all relationships for
orgPersonRelationInfoList List of organization person relationships that exist for this person
DOES_NOT_EXIST personId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid personId
MISSING_PARAMETER missing personId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all organization person relationships for an organization.
orgId orgId organization to get all relationships for
orgPersonRelationInfoList list of organization person relationships that exist for this organization
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgId not found
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Tests if a person has a current relationship with a specified organization
orgId orgId identifier of the organization
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275074 personId identifier of the person
orgPersonRelationTypeKey orgPersonRelationTypeKey type of relationship between the person and organization
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274878 true if a relationship exists
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgId, personId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgId, personId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves a list of organization-specific restrictions on relationships with people for a particular organization.
orgId orgId identifier of the organization
orgPositionRestrictionInfoList list of the organization-specific position restriction information
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR One or more values invalid for this operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST the orgId not found
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves results in tabular form for the specified parameters.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275028 searchTypeKey search identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275094 queryParamValues list of values for search parameters
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275096 list of results from the query
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified search type not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid searchTypeKey, queryParamValueList
MISSING_PARAMETER searchTypeKey, queryParamValueList not specified
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Searches for identifiers of organizations by complex criteria and logic.
orgCriteria orgCriteria criteria to be used for search, e.g. by type, by name, by number of members
orgIdList list of organization ids that matched the supplied criteria
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid organization criteria
MISSING_PARAMETER missing organization criteria
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Searches for identifiers of organization to organization relationships by complex criteria and logic.
orgOrgRelationCriteria orgOrgRelationCriteria criteria to be used for search, e.g. by type, by name, by number of members
orgOrgRelationIdList list of organization to organization relationship identifiers that matched the supplied criteria
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid organization to organization relationship criteria
MISSING_PARAMETER missing organization to organization relationship criteria
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Searches for identifiers of organization to person relationships by complex criteria and logic.
orgPersonRelationCriteria orgPersonRelationCriteria criteria to be used for search, e.g. by type, by name, by number of members
orgPersonRelationIdList list of organization to person relationship identifiers that matched the supplied criteria
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid organization to person relationship criteria
MISSING_PARAMETER missing organization to person relationship criteria
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Creates a new organization
orgTypeKey orgTypeKey Unique identifier for an organization type.
orgInfo orgInfo information about the organization to be created
orgInfo newly created organization information
ALREADY_EXISTS org already exists
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR one or more values invalid for this operation
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Updates an existing organization
orgId orgId identifier for org to be updated
orgInfo orgInfo information about the organization to be updated
orgInfo updated organization information
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR one or more values invalid for this operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgInfo, orgID
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgInfo, orgID
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
VERSION_MISMATCH action was attempted on an out of date version.

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Deletes an existing organization.
orgId orgId identifier for org to be deleted
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275040 status of the operation (success or failure)
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgId not found
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Creates an organization to organization relationship between two organizations of a particular type.
orgId orgId identifier of the organization
orgId relatedOrgId identifier of the "child" organization
orgOrgRelationTypeKey orgOrgRelationTypeKey identifier of the type of relationship between the organizations
orgOrgRelationInfo orgOrgRelationInfo organization to organization relationship information to be created
orgOrgRelationInfo information about the new organization to organization relationship
ALREADY_EXISTS org org relationship already exists
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR one or more values invalid for this operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgId, relatedOrgId, orgOrgRelationTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgId, relatedOrgId, orgOrgRelationTypeKey create info
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgId, relatedOrgId, orgOrgRelationTypeKey create info
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Updates an organization to organization relationship.
orgOrgRelationId orgOrgRelationId organization to organization relationship identifier
orgOrgRelationInfo orgOrgRelationInfo detail information of the organization to organization relationship
orgOrgRelationInfo updated organization to organization relationship information
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR one or more values invalid for this operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgOrgRelationId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgOrgRelationId, orgOrgRelation update info
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgOrgRelationId, orgOrgRelation update info
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
VERSION_MISMATCH action was attempted on an out of date version.

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Removes an organization to organization relationship.
orgOrgRelationId orgOrgRelationId organization to organization relationship identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275040 status of the operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgOrgRelationId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgOrgRelationId
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgOrgRelationId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Creates an organization to person relationship between an organization and a person with a particular type.
orgId orgId organization
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275074 personId person
orgPersonRelationTypeKey orgPersonRelationTypeKey organization person relationship type
orgPersonRelationInfo orgPersonRelationInfo organization person relationship information
orgPersonRelationInfo detail information of the new organization to person relationship
ALREADY_EXISTS organization person relationship already exists
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR one or more values invalid for this operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST personId, orgId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid personId, orgId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey, orgPersonRelationInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing personId, orgId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey, orgPersonRelationInfo
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Updates an organization to person relationship.
orgPersonRelationId orgPersonRelationId organization person relationship identifier
orgPersonRelationInfo orgPersonRelationInfo information about the organization to person relationship to be updated
orgPersonRelationInfo updated organization to person relationship information
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR one or more values invalid for this operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgPersonRelationId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgPersonRelationId, orgPersonRelationInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgPersonRelationId, orgPersonRelationInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
VERSION_MISMATCH action was attempted on an out of date version.

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Removes an organization to person relationship.
orgPersonRelationId orgPersonRelationId organization person relationship identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275040 status of the operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgPersonRelationId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgPersonRelationId
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgPersonRelationId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Adds a description of the organization-specific usage of an organization person relationship type. This information typically coincides with constraints, such as how many relationships of a given type may be active at a particular time, etc.
orgId orgId organization
orgPersonRelationTypeKey orgPersonRelationTypeKey organization person relationship type
orgPositionRestrictionInfo orgPositionRestrictionInfo organization position restriction information
orgPositionRestrictionInfo information about the newly created organization position restriction
ALREADY_EXISTS org position restriction already exists
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR one or more values invalid for this operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST the orgId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey, orgPositionRestrictionInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey, orgPositionRestrictionInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Updates a description of the organization-specific usage of an organization person relationship type.
orgId orgId organization
orgPersonRelationTypeKey orgPersonRelationTypeKey organization person relationship type
orgPositionRestrictionInfo orgPositionRestrictionInfo organization position restriction information
orgPositionRestrictionInfo information about the updated organization position restriction
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR one or more values invalid for this operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST orgId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey, orgPositionRestrictionInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey, orgPositionRestrictionInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
VERSION_MISMATCH action was attempted on an out of date version.

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Removes a description of the organization-specific usage of an organization person relationship type.
orgId orgId organization
orgPersonRelationTypeKey orgPersonRelationTypeKey organization person relationship type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275040 status
DOES_NOT_EXIST the orgId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid orgId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing orgId, orgPersonRelationTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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