Location Service Description and Assumptions
Location Service Description and Assumptions
Unknown macro: {multi-excerpt} Describes an entity for a location, with structure among Locations (rooms in buildings). Relations provide, e.g., formal description of where a CollectionObject is, over time.
We will want to ask what objects are (or were) in a location, and/or to associate insurance with a location. This latter implies that we need more than just a string.
Also need to describe:
- The hierarchic nature of Locations
- The CollectionObjectLocation relation and its semantics
- Distinguish Location from simple Contact information that has an address, etc. See also Questions.
Consider that there are several uses:
- Where does a CollectionObject go on acquisition?
- Where is it when researcher asks?
- Report on the location of CollectionObjects in a collection (e.g., what is in a given room).
- Report on the location history of an object (provenance).
- Where did an object come from, where was it found?
Several require either structured reference or vocab-suggestion to ensure consistency.
Several require a containment model to make roll-up reporting and search useful.
Note that Location association for an object must be time-based (has begin and end times).
Location association (i.e., the binding of a CollectionObject to a Location) should also support some descriptive info, like reason. The reason may also be something like a Loan or Exhibition. This implies that there is a reason and a reason-type.
- Locations have fixed relationships to one another (they are about physical containment or relation).
- Locations have type:
- Some are geographic in nature
- Some are geopolitical in nature
- Some are built structures
- Some are containers
- Locations have extent. This may be modeled explicitly (if approximately), as in the case of a geographic or geopolitical extent, or implicitly (with only a general size indication) as in the case of a container like a box.
- The definition and properties of a location, including the name, extent, containment hieracrchy, etc., may be temporally bound. E.g., "East Germany" as a concept no longer exists. We must be able to model historical as well as current locations, extents, etc.
- Locations are associated to other entities, and these associations have semantics. We may model these as types, including some of the following:
- Storage Location
- Origin of an object
- Historical location of an object (as when an object was traded before entering a collection).
- Location associations can have a temporal nature:
- The temporal extents are mutually exclusive - an object cannot be in two places at once.
- The temporal extents may not cover a range - there may be gaps in history
- Location associations may have a movement associated to them, annotating the event that prompted the change of location (an exhibit, a loan, a conservation action, etc.).
Key Concepts
- Location Term
- Geolocation (lat/long) and relation to Location
- Extent models
- Containment (site within city within county within state, etc.) vs. storage structure (boxes sitting on shelves in a storage unit in a room in a building).
- We may need to describe some general temporal logic and import it here. There are other things with exclusive temporal relations.
- KSS relationship: KSS has deferred the specification of a Location service. They currently describe a location attribute for things like Resources (requires KSS auth), but this is just a string. If we define a flexible Location model, they would likely be able to use it.
Background Documentation
- /wiki/spaces/COL/pages/666272978
- Need links to notes from community design meetings.
- Need links to relevant sections in Spectrum.
- Consider reviewing Specify Data Model
Key team members
- Patrick Schmitz is the primary tech team member for this service
- Need to identify the community members acting as Domain Experts.
, multiple selections available,