Kuali Authorization Service Contract Description

Kuali Authorization Service

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
Name Version Based upon
Dev (0.1) Release Notes/History
KSS AuthorizationService


PI Meeting Diagrams



Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.


Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of object type identifiers known by this service. Example: cluInfo.
None None No parameters
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274931 list of object type identifiers
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the basic dictionary information about a particular object structure. Including all variations based on a certain type and state. Example: Given that a CLU is of type "Course" and in the state of "Proposed," tell which fields are read only, mandatory, not applicable, have enumerations available, etc.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274955 objectTypeKey identifier of the object type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274927 describes the fields for the input object type
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified objectTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid objectTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing objectTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of enumeration values for a particular enumeration with a certain context for a particular date. The values returned should be those where the supplied date is between the effective and expiration dates. Certain enumerations may not support this functionality.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274894 enumerationKey identifier of the enumeration
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274903 contextType identifier of the enumeration context type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274808 contextValue value of the enumeration context
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274812 contextDate date and time to get the enumeration for
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274883 list of enumerated codes and values
DOES_NOT_EXIST enumerationKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid enumerationKey, contextType, contextValue, contextDate
MISSING_PARAMETER missing enumerationKey, contextType, contextValue, contextDate
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of search types known by this service.
None None No Parameters
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274914 list of search type information
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a particular search type.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275028 searchTypeKey identifier of the search type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274920 information on the search type
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified searchTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid searchTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER searchTypeKey not specified
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of search types which return results in the specified format.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275032 searchResultTypeKey identifier of the search result type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274914 list of search type information
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified searchResultTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid searchResultTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER searchResultTypeKey not specified
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of search types which use criteria in the specified format.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275018 searchCriteriaTypeKey identifier of the search criteria
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274914 list of search type information
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified searchCriteriaTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid searchCriteriaTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER searchCriteriaTypeKey not specified
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of search result types known by this service. Search result types describe the return structure for a search.
None None No Parameters
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275023 list of search result type information
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a particular search result type. Search result types describe the return structure for a search.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275032 searchResultTypeKey identifier of the search result type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274906 information on the search result type
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified searchResultTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid searchResultTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER searchResultTypeKey not specified
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of search criteria types known by this service.
None None No parameters
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274979 list of search criteria type information
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a particular search criteria type.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275018 searchCriteriaTypeKey identifier of the search criteria type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274965 information on the search criteria type
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified searchCriteriaTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid searchCriteriaTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER searchCriteriaTypeKey not specified
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all role categories known by this service. Role categories are only used to provide grouping information for roles.
None None No parameters for this method
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275206 list of role category information
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a role category. Role categories are only used to provide grouping information for roles.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275297 roleCategoryKey role category identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275302 role category information
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid roleCategoryKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing roleCategoryKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a role
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275256 roleKey role identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275380 role information
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about roles from a list of role identifiers
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275366 roleKeyList role identifier list
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275374 role information list
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves a list of roles which include a given permission
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275187 permissionKey permission identifier to be used in retrieval of roles
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275374 list of roles defined for the permission
DOES_NOT_EXIST permissionKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER permissionKey is invalid
MISSING_PARAMETER missing permissionKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves a list of role identifiers for a given role category
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275297 roleCategoryKey role category to be used
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275374 list of roles defined for the role category
DOES_NOT_EXIST roleCategoryKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER roleCategoryKey is invalid
MISSING_PARAMETER missing roleCategoryKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves allowed roles for a qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275374 list of roles
DOES_NOT_EXIST qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER qualifierTypeKey is invalid
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
Inverse of #findAllowedQualifierTypesByRole

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all qualifier types known by this service
None None no parameters for this method
qualifierTypeInfoList list of qualifier types
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves allowed qualifier types for a specified role
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275256 roleKey role identifier
qualifierTypeInfoList list of qualifier types
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves qualifier types that are allowed within the qualifier hierarchy listed
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275134 qualifierHierarchyKey qualifier hierarchy
qualifierTypeInfoList list of qualifier types
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid qualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all qualifier types which are updatable through this service.
None None no parameters for this method
qualifierTypeInfoList list of qualifier types
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all qualifier hierarchies known by this service.
None None no parameters for this method
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275112 list of qualifier hierarchies
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves qualifier hierarchies for a specified role category
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275297 roleCategoryKey role category
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275112 list of qualifier hierarchies
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid roleCategoryKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing roleCategoryKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a qualifier hierarchy
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275134 qualifierHierarchyKey qualifier hierarchy identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275110 qualifier hierarchy information
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid qualifierHierarchyKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierHierarchyKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a permission
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275187 permissionKey permission identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275147 permission information
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about permissions that are associated with a RoleCategory. This is so the application can know if it is in synch with the Az service about what permission set is being used.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275290 roleCategoryKeyList a List of roleCategory identifiers
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275156 permission information list
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves a list of permissions included by a given role


role identifier to be used in retrieval of permissions
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275156 list of permissions defined for the role
DOES_NOT_EXIST roleId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER roleId is invalid
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Validates authorization. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests related to this object. If an identifier is present for the learning objective category (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the learning objective category can be shifted to the new values. If an identifier is not present or a record cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower, typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the current object.
validationTypeKey validationType identifier of the extent of validation
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275052 authorizationInfo authorization information to be tested.
validationResultList results from performing the validation
DOES_NOT_EXIST validationTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid validationTypeKey, authorizationInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing validationTypeKey, authorizationInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Checks if the principal can do this action (defined by the permission) on this thing (qualifier)
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274739 principalId principal identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275187 permissionKey permission identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274878 returns true if an authorization exists
DOES_NOT_EXIST principalId, permissionKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid principalId, permissionKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing principalId, permissionKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Tests if the principal has the designated role in the designated context
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274739 principalId principal identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275256 roleKey role identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274878 returns true if an authorization exists
DOES_NOT_EXIST principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Fetches authorization (explicit or implicit from qualifier hierarchy or group assignment) for principal in role for qualifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274739 principalId principal identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275256 roleKey role identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275052 authorization info
DOES_NOT_EXIST principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all authorizations (explicit or implicit from qualifier hierarchy or group assignment) for a designated principal
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274739 principalId principal identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275068 authorization information list
DOES_NOT_EXIST principalId not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid principalId
MISSING_PARAMETER missing principalId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all authorizations (explicit or implicit from qualifier hierarchy or group assignment) for the specified qualifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275068 authorization information list
DOES_NOT_EXIST qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves the list of authorizations (explicit or implicit from qualifier hierarchy or group assignment) for a given principal in a particular context
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274739 principalId principal identifier to be used in retrieval of authorizations
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier to be used in retrieval of authorizations
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275068 authorization information list for the principal
DOES_NOT_EXIST principalId, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid principalId, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing principalId, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all updatable (explicit - not derived/inherited) authorizations for a specified principal and qualifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274739 principalId principal identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275068 authorization information list - only authorizations which are updatable at this level are returned.
DOES_NOT_EXIST principalId, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid principalId, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing principalId, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves authorization (explicit or implicit from qualifier hierarchy or group assignment) for group with role for qualifier
azGroupId azGroupId authorizationgroup identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275256 roleKey role identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275052 authorization info
DOES_NOT_EXIST azGroupId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid azGroupId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing azGroupId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all updatable (explicit - not derived/inherited) authorizations for a specified authorization group and qualifier
azGroupId azGroupId authorization group identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275068 authorization information list - only authorizations which are updatable at this level are returned.
DOES_NOT_EXIST azGroupId, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid azGroupId, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing azGroupId, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Checks if principal exists
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274739 principalId identifier for the principal being checked
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274878 returns true if an authorization exists
DOES_NOT_EXIST principalId
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid principalId
MISSING_PARAMETER missing principalId
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
Should this be removed from this service? As it stands, this is just a proxy to the SOR for principals

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves a list of principals with the same role in a given context
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275256 roleKey role identifier to be used in retrieval of principals
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier to be used in retrieval of principals
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274736 principal identifiers for role and qualifier
DOES_NOT_EXIST roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieve list of roles for a given principal in a particular context
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274739 principalId principal identifier to be used in retrieval of roles
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier to be used in retrieval of roles
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275374 role information list for the principal
DOES_NOT_EXIST principalId, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid principalId, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing principalId, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about a qualifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId identifier for the qualifier being retrieved
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275399 information about a qualifier
DOES_NOT_EXIST qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves information about qualifiers of a specified type from a list of ids
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypekey Qualifier type for the qualifiers to be retrieved
qualifierIdList qualifierIdList List of identifiers for the qualifiers to be retrieved
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275321 list of information about qualifiers
DOES_NOT_EXIST one or more qualifier ids do not exist for the given type
INVALID_PARAMETER one or more qualifier ids or types invalid
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierId or qualifierType
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves children (direct descendants) for a qualifier in a hierarchy
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275134 qualifierHierarchyKey qualifier hierarchy
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275321 list of qualifier information
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves all descendants for a qualifier in a hierarchy. Distance from the original node is not retained in this view.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275134 qualifierHierarchyKey qualifier hierarchy
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275321 list of qualifiers that are descended from the given qualifier within the specified hierarchy
DOES_NOT_EXIST qualifier, qualifierHierarchy, qualifier doesn't exist within the specified hierarchy
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves a view of the tree from the given qualifier node for a given qualifier hierarchy.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275134 qualifierHierarchyKey qualifier hierarchy
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275167 view of the hierarchy of qualifiers from the specified node
DOES_NOT_EXIST qualifier, qualifierHierarchy, qualifier doesn't exist within the specified hierarchy
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves results in tabular form for the specified parameters.
searchTypeKey searchTypeKey search identifier
queryParamValueList queryParamValues list of values for search parameters
resultList list of results from the query
DOES_NOT_EXIST specified search type not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid searchTypeKey, queryParamValueList
MISSING_PARAMETER searchTypeKey, queryParamValueList not specified
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves id list for qualifiers meeting criteria. There is an assumption that the type will be specified within the criteria to allow searches within a particular context.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275172 qualifierCriteria criteria to be used for retrieval of qualifiers
qualifierIdList qualifier id list
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid criteria
MISSING_PARAMETER Missing criteria
Assumption is that there must be some criteria in order to search
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
May create need for multi-column return, due to the composite key nature of the qualifier identifier. Identifier will likely not be enough to uniquely identify what's being spoken about due to the id space, and the type convention may not hold.

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves a list of identifiers for roles meeting criteria
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275281 roleCriteria criteria to be used for retrieval of roles
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275366 role id list
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid criteria
MISSING_PARAMETER Missing criteria
Assumption is that there must be some criteria in order to search
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Retrieves list of identifiers for permissions meeting criteria
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275149 permissionCriteria criteria to be used for retrieval of permissions
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275178 permission identifier list
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid criteria
MISSING_PARAMETER Missing criteria
Assumption is that there must be some criteria in order to search
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

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Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Register qualifier to be used in authorizations. This also establishes an initial placement in at least one qualifierHierarchy to minimize opportunity for qualifiers to exist as orphans. The qualifier Identifier is likely a referenc to an identifier used in another context. Such as a department or Course Identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier for qualifer being registered
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 parentQualifierId qualifier identifier for parent node of qualifier being registered
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 parentQualifierTypeKey parent qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275134 qualifierHierarchyKey qualifier hierarchy
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275399 qualifierInfo Info needed to register a qualifier.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275399 the registered qualifier information
CIRCULAR_RELATIONSHIP between qualifier being registered and parent qualifier
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR One or more values invalid for this operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, parentQualifierId, parentQualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, parentQualifierId, parentQualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey, qualifierInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, parentQualifierId, parentQualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey, qualifierInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Deregister qualifier to be used in authorizations.This is equivalent to a delete, in that it will no longer exist from the AZ perspective, but the real object that is being referenced continues to exist.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId identifier for qualifer being deregistered
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275040 status of the operation (success or failure)
DOES_NOT_EXIST qualifier not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid qualifierId, qualifierType
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierId, qualifierType
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Adds another Parent to an existing Qualifier in the qualifier hierarchy.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier for qualifer being linked
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type for qualifier being linked
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 parentQualifierId qualifier identifier for new parent node qualifier being linked to
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 parentQualifierTypeKey qualifier type for the new parent node qualifier being linked to
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275134 qualifierHierarchyKey qualifier hierarchy for the new parent node qualifier being linked to
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275040 status of the operation (success or failure)
ALREADY_EXISTS authorization exists
CIRCULAR_RELATIONSHIP between qualifier being linked and parent qualifier
DOES_NOT_EXIST qualifierId (qualifer being linked), qualifierTypeKey, parentQualifierId, parentQualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid qualifierId (qualifer being linked), qualifierTypeKey, parentQualifierId, parentQualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierId (qualifer being linked), qualifierTypeKey, parentQualifierId, parentQualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Unlink one of the Parents of a Qualifier. Only can be used when there are multiple parents. A qualifier always must have one parent.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier for qualifer being unlinked
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type for qualifier being unlinked
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275134 qualifierHierarchyKey qualifier hierarchy that the current qualifier is being unlinked from
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275040 status of the operation (success or failure)
DEPENDENT_OBJECTS_EXIST unlinking will orphan the qualifier
DOES_NOT_EXIST qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, qualifierHierarchyKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Updates information about a qualifier used in authorizations. This does not change hierarchical ordering or types and ids.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier for qualifer being registered
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275399 qualifierInfo changed information about a qualifier.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275399 the updated qualifier information
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR One or more values invalid for this operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey (qualifier not registered)
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, qualifierInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, qualifierInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
UNSUPPORTED_ACTION attempted to update a read only qualifier type
VERSION_MISMATCH The action was attempted on an out of date version.

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Grants an authorization to a principal.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274739 principalId principal identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275256 roleKey role identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275052 authorizationInfo information required to grant an authorization
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275052 the granted authorization information
ALREADY_EXISTS authorization exists
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR One or more values invalid for this operation

invalid principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, authorizationInfo

MISSING_PARAMETER missing principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, authorizationInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Updates information about an updatable (explicit - not derived/inherited) authorization for a principal. Intent is that traversal and delegation flags can be modified as well as effective dates, comments, etc.
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274739 principalId principal identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275256 roleId role identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275052 authorizationInfo information required to update an authorization
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275052 the updated authorization information
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR One or more values invalid for this operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, authorizationInfo not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, authorizationInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, authorizationInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
UNSUPPORTED_ACTION authorization is not updatable, meaning it is implicit (derived or inherited)
VERSION_MISMATCH The action was attempted on an out of date version.

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Revokes an authorization to a principal
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274739 principalId principal identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275256 roleKey role identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275040 status of the operation (success, failed)
DOES_NOT_EXIST principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing principalId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
UNSUPPORTED_ACTION authorization is not updatable, meaning it is implicit (derived or inherited)

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Grants an authorization to an authorization group.
azGroupId azGroupId authorization group identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275256 roleKey role identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275052 authorizationInfo information required to grant an authorization
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275052 the granted authorization information
ALREADY_EXISTS authorization exists
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR One or more values invalid for this operation
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid azGroupId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, authorizationInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing azGroupId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, authorizationInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Updates information about an updatable (explicit - not derived/inherited) authorization for an authorization group. Intent is that traversal and delegation flags can be modified as well as effective dates, comments, etc.
azGroupId azGroupId authorization group identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275256 roleKey role identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275052 authorizationInfo information required to update an authorization
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275052 the updated authorization information
DATA_VALIDATION_ERROR One or more values invalid for this operation
DOES_NOT_EXIST azGroupId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, authorizationInfo not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid azGroupId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, authorizationInfo
MISSING_PARAMETER missing azGroupId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey, authorizationInfo
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
UNSUPPORTED_ACTION authorization is not updatable, meaning it is implicit (derived or inherited)
VERSION_MISMATCH The action was attempted on an out of date version.

Back to Operations

Method Description Parameters Return Errors Capabilities Use Cases Comments/Feedback
Revokes an authorization for an authorization group
azGroupId azGroupId authorization group identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275256 roleKey role identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275404 qualifierId qualifier identifier
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275326 qualifierTypeKey qualifier type
/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275040 status of the operation (success, failed)
DOES_NOT_EXIST azGroupId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey not found
INVALID_PARAMETER invalid azGroupId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
MISSING_PARAMETER missing azGroupId, roleKey, qualifierId, qualifierTypeKey
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIED authorization failure
UNSUPPORTED_ACTION authorization is not updatable, meaning it is implicit (derived or inherited)

Back to Operations

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.
