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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Site ownership status

Site ownership status

Owned by National Park Service

Owned by Bureau of Land Management

Owned by (not assigned)

Private property

Government owned

Federal owned: Bureau of Indian Affairs

Federal owned: Bureau of Land Management

Federal owned: Bureau of Reclamation

Federal owned: Indian Reservation

Federal owned: National Monument

Federal owned: National Park Service

Federal owned: U.S. Army

Federal owned: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Federal owned: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Federal owned: U.S. Forest Service

Owned by other federal agency

Owned by California State Parks

Owned by California Department of Forestry

Owned by other California agency

Owned by another state

Found on tribal land

Found on private property

Non North American site

Site status unknown

Federal owned: U.S. Marine Corps

Federal owned: U.S. Navy

Federal owned: U.S. Treasury

State owned

State owned: State Highways (now DOT)

State owned: State Parks

County owned

County owned: Regional Park Services

City owned

Ownership research in process

Unknown: US & territories

Unknown: US, but no objects associated with site

Unknown: location too vague for determination

Not subject to NAGPRA: non-US