PAHMA controlled list—Site ownership status

PAHMA controlled list—Site ownership status

Site ownership status

Site ownership status

(not assigned)

Private property

Government owned

Federal owned: Bureau of Indian Affairs

Federal owned: Bureau of Land Management

Federal owned: Bureau of Reclamation

Federal owned: Indian Reservation

Federal owned: National Monument

Federal owned: National Park Service

Federal owned: U.S. Army

Federal owned: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Federal owned: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Federal owned: U.S. Forest Service

Federal owned: U.S. Marine Corps

Federal owned: U.S. Navy

Federal owned: U.S. Treasury

State owned

State owned: State Highways (now DOT)

State owned: State Parks

County owned

County owned: Regional Park Services

City owned

Ownership research in process

Unknown: US & territories

Unknown: US, but no objects associated with site

Unknown: location too vague for determination

Not subject to NAGPRA: non-US