PAHMA custom procedure—NAGPRA Compliance

PAHMA custom procedure—NAGPRA Compliance

Information units that are needed for repatriation/NAGPRA activities:

  • These are strictly preliminary notes

Initial XSD schema for NAGPRA claims for 1.8-based CollectionSpace.

Object-specific fields displayed as a section in the Object Cataloging form

NAGPRA inventory

in which inventory (a custom authority) was an object reported?

NAGPRA applicability

on what basis is this object subject to NAGPRA? (custom controlled list)

Should be appended to Name authority (Organizations)

Federally recognized ?


Should be in a "NAGPRA Claim" procedure

Claim number


Claim name


Alternate claim names and numbers


Type of claim

custom controlled list

Date received

starts a 90-day resolution clock

Object(s) included in claim


Site(s) referenced


Claimant or involved corporate polity

from Name authority (organizations)

Dates and Actions


Date presented to UCB-NAGPRA committee


UCB-NAGPRA committee recommendation(s)


Date of director's recommendation(s) to systemwide committee


Director's recommendation(s) to systemwide committee


Date of systemwide committee's recommendation(s)


Systemwide committee's recommendation(s)


Date of director's correspondence with national NAGPRA


Director's correspondence with national NAGPRA


Date of national NAGPRA's response


National NAGPRA's response


Date of national NAGPRA's final approval


Start and end dates for national NAGPRA's 30-day notice


Date of pickup or transfer


Workflow with dates and notes


Initial response sent to tribe


Disposition(s) possibilities discussed


Surrounding tribes contacted


PAHMA-NAGPRA team notified


Site file research completed


Accession file research completed


Objects located and counted


Objects consolidated


Objects photographed


Registration documents drawn up


Tribe contacted for packing/storage instructions


Date arranged for pickup/ transfer


Objects marked as deaccessioned


Documents (digital and physical) archived



Person/Organization referenced


Object(s) referenced


Claim(s) referenced


Culture(s) referenced


Site(s) referenced


Inventory(s) referenced














(attached scans)







Can there be access restrictions on confidential consultation information if it's kept in Use of Collections with other, non-confidential information?

Cultural affinity
Ownership/ controlling interest(s) (for affilition)

Cultural care notes: regarding the blessing and "feeding" of objects, among many other things.

Involved parties

Restriction — want there to be a flag in cataloging (how to handle inheritance?)
---what kind of restriction?
------restrictions on research
------restrictions on destructive testing
------restrictions on photography
------restrictions on handling
------restrictions on exhibition
------other restrictions
------storage restrictions (don't store near HSR; store under cover; nothing above buddha)
---notes on restriction
---author (individual)

Handling guidelines, access restrictions/recommendations (handling, photos, access, testing, research)

NAGPRA comments — how are they mapped; leftovers go in NAGPRA