UC Botanical Garden
More details on the way
Functional fit-gap is at https://wikihub.berkeley.edu/display/istds/UC+Botanical+Garden+CollectionSpace+Deployment
Project Description
The UC Botanical Garden at UC Berkeley is working with IST-Research and Content Technologies and the CollectionSpace project team to deploy CollectionSpace as the collection management system for the garden. Information about the project will be managed on this wiki.
Functional requirements for deployment
- Initial high-level functional mapping and scoping (on UC Berkeley wiki)
- Botanical propagation
- Plant Label (from SAGE volunteer labels)
- SAGE screen shots
- sage_screen_shots.doc (accessions, current locations, propagations, vouchers)
- sage_screen_shots-more.doc (accession attributes, collection sites, hyb/aff common names)
- Screenshot_Conservation_SAGE.doc (screen used to enter conservation agents and codes)
- Plant Attributes screen.doc (Plant Attributes screen, used to apply conservation codes and other taxa-specific information to taxonomy)
Data mapping and mockups
The UC Botanical Garden will launch with version 3.2.2 of CollectionSpace in mid-April 2013. The wireframes, data mapping, and report definitions documented for UCBG-v2.4 are still the primary documents for this migration.
The purpose of this iteration is to build a test version of CollectionSpace for the Botanical Garden, based on CollectionSpace 2.4, customizations built for UCJEPS, and additional requirements from the Botanical Garden (e.g., botanical propagation). A major effort will be devoted to data migration from the existing SAGE system.
Customizations to screens and UI: UCBG wireframes and mockups for v2.4
Data mapping and migration: UCBG-CollectionSpace data mapping, v2.4
Reports: UCBG reports
The purpose of this iteration is to build a UCBG prototype using CollectionSpace 2.0. The team started with the UCJEPS 2.0 system and made several customizations:
- Cataloging: Added "dead flag" field to indicate whether the plant is alive or dead
- Adapted the Storage Location authority to store garden locations
- Adapted the Movement and Location procedure to store plant locations (where accessions are currently planted out)
- Changed labels (e.g., Cataloging to Accessions)
The prototype is at:
Data mapping and migration: UCBG-CollectionSpace data mapping, v2.0
Project Documents and Collaboration
- ...
Meetings and Notes
- ...
- Jira: http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/UCBG
- UC Botanical Garden web site: http://botanicalgarden.berkeley.edu/
- UC Botanical Garden Propagation Information web site: http://www.mip.berkeley.edu/bgpw/