

This is the deployment page for SMK, Statens Museum for Kunst - The National Gallery of Denmark


Outstanding Requirements as of CS version 1.8

Data Mapping

Mapping by January 17th, 2013; Globus to CollectionSpace (Globus is our current Collection Management System)

Crosswalk: CollectionSpace Core - CollectionSpace Fine Arts Domaine - SMK Deployment

Gap Analysis I - Globus fields missing in CollectionSpace (For an updated version see below)

SMK Gap Analysis I - As above but including data types and repeatability issues, and the CDWA Creation Information Group as a possible substitute for the CS Object Production Information Group in cataloguing

SMK Gap Analysis II - Rapid fields missing in CollectionSpace (Rapid is our current Exhibition Management System)

Data map - Corpus to CollectionSpace/Globus by June 18th, 2012 (Corpus is the SMK implementation of CollectionSpace)

Authority and Procedure Requirements

SMK Name Authority Requirements lists a number of additional fields we require which are currently not in the CollectionSpace Name Authority Schema.

SMK Citation Authority Requirements displays the UCB Citation Authority Schema that we built the Citation Authority to.

SMK Exhibition Requirements contains our minimum requirements for an Exhibition Authority as a holder of existing data in our current database. This page also contains a draft of our requirements for an Exhibition Management Procedure.

Use Cases

Hierarchical Relationships Between Objects/Structured Objects Management

Location, Movement, and Inventory Inquiries

Location and Movement Control Use Cases

Subloan Use Case

Localization Support Use Case

Media Handling Use Case

Citation Authority Use Case

Wireframes and Templates

SMK Deployment Wireframes

Data Entry Templates - Cataloguing