CollectionSpace Deployments
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Bonsai Museum Profile Development
IMLS Leadership Grant Final Report - Links
Material Order
Meeting notes (2)
Deploying Collections
PAHMA-CSpace deployment
Bar code assisted workflows
PAHMA "Location Movement"
PAHMA Customizations
Archived—Customizations needed for PAHMA deployment
PAHMA custom procedure—NAGPRA Compliance
PAHMA Customizations - Storage Authority
PAHMA Customizations-Storage Location Procedure
PAHMA customizations—Cataloging
PAHMA Customized authorities
PAHMA Customized controlled lists
PAHMA controlled list—Accession method
PAHMA controlled list—Accession status
PAHMA controlled list—Activity's association
PAHMA controlled list—Age qualifier
PAHMA controlled list—Age unit
PAHMA controlled list—Alternate number type (objects)
PAHMA controlled list—Associated event name type
PAHMA controlled list—Cataloging status
PAHMA controlled list—Collection (single value only)
PAHMA controlled list—Concept's association
PAHMA controlled list—Concept's association DELETE
PAHMA controlled list—Content position
PAHMA controlled list—Content script
PAHMA controlled list—Cultural affinity's association
PAHMA controlled list—Culture or people type
PAHMA controlled list—Date's association
PAHMA controlled list—Dimension
PAHMA controlled list—Dimension part
PAHMA controlled list—Dimension unit
PAHMA controlled list—Event depicted type
PAHMA controlled list—Event's association
PAHMA controlled list—Field collection method
PAHMA controlled list—Form
PAHMA controlled list—Geodetic datum
PAHMA controlled list—Historical event's association
PAHMA controlled list—NAGPRA applicability
PAHMA controlled list—Non-Textual inscription position
PAHMA controlled list—Non-Textual inscription type
PAHMA controlled list—Object component name
PAHMA controlled list—Object depicted type
PAHMA controlled list—Object exit methods
PAHMA controlled list—Object exit reasons
PAHMA controlled list—Object name currency
PAHMA controlled list—Object name level
PAHMA controlled list—Object name system
PAHMA controlled list—Object name type
PAHMA controlled list—Object's association
PAHMA controlled list—Organization's association
PAHMA controlled list—Other depicted type
PAHMA controlled list—Ownership access
PAHMA controlled list—Ownership category
PAHMA controlled list—Ownership exchange method
PAHMA controlled list—Person's association
PAHMA controlled list—Phase
PAHMA controlled list—Place's association
PAHMA controlled list—Production culture role
PAHMA controlled list—Production organization role
PAHMA controlled list—Production person role
PAHMA controlled list—Production place role
PAHMA controlled list—Production technique type
PAHMA controlled list—Sex determination
PAHMA controlled list—Site classification
PAHMA controlled list—Site ownership status
PAHMA controlled list—Site type
PAHMA controlled list—Special object status
PAHMA controlled list—Taxonomic attribution qualifier
PAHMA controlled list—Taxonomic attribution type
PAHMA controlled list—Technical attribute
PAHMA controlled list—Technical attribute DELETE
PAHMA controlled list—Technical attribute measurement
PAHMA controlled list—Technical attribute unit
PAHMA controlled list—Textual inscription position
PAHMA controlled list—Textual inscription type
PAHMA controlled list—Title type
PAHMA controlled list—Title type DELETE THIS
PAHMA controlled list—TMS 2003 conversion data source
PAHMA controlled list—Type (?)
PAHMA controlled list—UCB-NAGPRA code (legacy)
PAHMA—Changing functionality of fields
PAHMA—Creation of custom fields
PAHMA—Fields to be hidden
PAHMA—Fields to be relabeled
PAHMA customizations—DIY resources
PAHMA Data cleaning
PAHMA Data entry guidelines
PAHMA Data migration
PAHMA Deployment Questions and Concerns
PAHMA Gap analysis
PAHMA local deployment notes
PAHMA Stakeholder analysis
PAHMA-CSpace user requirements
Reindexing Full Text
Sorting and Searching PAHMA Object Numbers
Systematic Inventory Redux
To be deleted (PAHMA)
Walker Art Center
UC Botanical Garden
BAM-PFA CineFiles
Project Coordination
Public Art Profile Development
UC Berkeley Deployment Planning
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CollectionSpace Deployments
PAHMA controlled list—Geodetic datum
PAHMA controlled list—Geodetic datum
Michael T. Black
Owned by
Michael T. Black
Last updated:
Jun 23, 2011
Version comment
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Geodetic datum
Do we need this? Are there other datums?
{"serverDuration": 41, "requestCorrelationId": "0079ed0382de41809219bfd27bd45559"}