PAHMA controlled list—Taxonomic attribution qualifier
- This controlled list is based on a custom controlled list in the UCJeps deployment.
- The PAHMA list was modified largely following the conventions in Bengtson (1988) and Darwin Core.
Taxonomic attribution qualifier
default value
default text
aff. (genus)
closely related to, but distinct from another genus (e.g., aff. Agenus aspecies).
aff. (species)
closely related to, but distinct from another species (e.g., Agenus aff. aspecies).
cf. (genus)
compares favorably with another genus, but ID is provisional (e.g., cf. Agenus aspecies).
cf. (species)
compares favorably with another species, but ID is provisional (e.g., Agenus cf. aspecies).
generic identification is impossible or has not been attempted (e.g., Afamily indet.).
sp. indet.
specific identification is impossible or has not been attempted (e.g., Agenus sp. indet.).
sp. nov. (or n. sp.)
species is a new, as-yet-unnamed species (e.g., Agenus sp. nov.).
expresses uncertainty of attribution
sensu latu
in the broadly defined sense (e.g., Homo erectus sensu latu).
sensu stricto
in the narrowly defined sense (e.g., Homo erectus sensu stricto).
UCJeps version of this controlled list:
Taxonomic attribution qualifier |
notes |
default value |
No value selected |
default text |
aff. |
cf. |
forsan |
sensu latu |
questionable |