Cataloging Review and Comment Page - Herbaria Extension Set - Object History and Association Information

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CSpace Information Group CSpace Field NameUCJEPS Field NameCSpace Field Definition CSpace Field Type Field Repeatable? Group Repeatable? Default Controlled List Contents
Cataloging - Object history and association informationAssociated activityAssociated activityAn activity associated with an object or group of objects.TextNoYes 
 Associated activity typeAssociated activity typeA term describing the nature of the Associated activity.TextNo  
 Associated activity noteAssociated activity noteA description of, or comments relating to, an activity associated with an object.TextNo  
 Associated conceptAssociated conceptA concept associated with an object or group of objects.Concept authorityNoYes 
 Associated concept typeAssociated concept typeA term describing the nature of the Associated concept.TextNo  
 Associated concept noteAssociated concept noteA narrative description of the nature of the association with the object being recorded.TextNo  
 Associated cultural affinityAssociated cultural affinityA wider cultural context to which an object or group of objects relates.TextNoYes 
 Associated cultural affinity typeAssociated cultural affinity typeA term describing the nature of the Associated cultural affinity.TextNo  
 Associated cultural affinity noteAssociated cultural affinity noteA narrative description of the nature of the association with the object being recorded.TextNo  
 Associated dateAssociated dateA date associated with an object or group of objects.Date units of informationNoYes 
 Associated date typeAssociated date typeA term describing the nature of the Associated date.TextNo  
 Associated date noteAssociated date noteA narrative description of the nature of the association with the object being recorded.TextNo  
 Associated event nameAssociated event nameAn historical event associated with an object or group of objects, not including production and collections management events. Use the Object history note to describe details about the nature of the association.TextNoYes 
 Associated event name typeAssociated event name typeA term describing the nature of the event.TextNo  
 Associated event noteAssociated event noteA narrative description of the nature of the association with the object being recorded.TextNo  
 Associated event organizationAssociated event organizationAn Organization associated with an event in an object's or a group of objects' history (other than field collection or ownership).Name authority: organizationNo  
 Associated event peopleAssociated event peopleA People associated with an event in an object's or group of objects' history (other than field collection or ownership).TextNo  
 Associated event personAssociated event personA Person associated with an event in an object's or group of objects' history (other than field collection or ownership).Name authority: PersonNo  
 Associated event placeAssociated event placeA Place associated with an event in an object's history.TextNo  
 Associated organizationAssociated organizationAn Organization associated with an object's or group of objects' history.Name authority: OrganizationNoYes 
 Associated organization typeAssociated organization typeA term describing the nature of the Associated organization.TextNo  
 Associated organization noteAssociated organization noteA narrative description of the nature of the association with the object being recorded.TextNo  
 Associated peopleAssociated people TextNoYes 
 Associated people typeAssociated people typeA term describing the nature of the Associated people.Text   
 Associated people noteAssociated people noteA narrative description of the nature of the association with the object being recorded.TextNo  
 Associated personAssociated person Name authority: PersonNoYes 
 Associated person typeAssociated person typeA term describing the nature of the Associated person.TextNo  
 Associated person noteAssociated person noteA narrative description of the nature of the association with the object being recorded.TextNo  
 Associated placeAssociated placeA Place associated with an object or group of objects.TextNoYes 
 Associated place typeAssociated place typeA term describing the nature of the Associated place.Text   
 Associated place noteAssociated place noteA narrative description of the nature of the association with the object being recorded.TextNo  
 Object history noteObject history noteThe history of an object, including its creation, owners, vendors and the circumstances surrounding such events. Record information here which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.TextNo  
 OwnerOwnerDetails of a People, Person, or Organization who owned an object before title was transferred to the organization.Name authority: Organization; Name authority: PersonYes  
 Ownership accessOwnership accessInformation about the access to an object before title was transferred to the organization.Controlled list; staticNo limited; open; restricted
 Ownership categoryOwnership categoryA term defining the type of ownership existing for an object before title was transferred to the organization.Controlled list; staticNo company; public; private
 Ownership dates The dates when a People, Person or Organization owned the title to an object.Structured date Yes 
  Date note Date note  Text No  
 Ownership exchange methodOwnership exchange methodThe means by which title to an object is transferred between two Owners, before title was transferred to the organization.Controlled listNo bequest; exchange; gift; purchase; transfer; treasure
 Ownership exchange noteOwnership exchange noteAdditional information about the ownership exchange, before title was transferred to the organization, which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.TextNo  
 Ownership exchange price - currencyOwnership exchange price - currencyThe total price paid for an object when the title passed between two owners, including taxes for which the transfer is liable.Controlled list; dynamicNo Canadian dollar; Danish krone; Euro; Pound sterling; Swedish krona; Swiss franc; US dollar
 Ownership exchange price - valueOwnership exchange price - valueThe total price paid for an object when the title passed between two owners, including taxes for which the transfer is liable.NumberNo  
 Ownership placeOwnership placeThe place where an object was owned before title was transferred to the organization.TextNo  
 UsageUsageA single term describing the use of a particular kind of object.TextNo  
 Usage noteUsage noteThe use of a kind of object by the original or subsequent owners.TextNo