User Manual - Hierarchical Authorities

Hierarchical Authorities

Within each authority, users may create hierarchies. To create a broader (parent) or narrower (child) relationships between authority terms, first create or edit a term. At the bottom of the data entry screen is the “Hierarchy” information section. 

To add a broader or narrower context to the Primary term, enter the display name of the broader or narrower term into the Broader or Narrower context field. These fields use a predictive-text interface; if the broader or narrower terms already exist, they will appear in the list. If they do not already exist, a new term may be created using this interface.

An object may have multiple Narrower contexts, but only one Broader context. Select the gray arrow to the left of the ID number to pivot to that object record. You may also right click on the gray arrow to open the record in a new tab or window.