Fine and Contemporary Art Profile


The CollectionSpace Fine and Contemporary Art Profile is based on work done by the Statens Museum for Kunst (National Gallery, Denmark) and Walker Art Center as part of their CollectionSpace implementations. The extension sets map to the core fields recommended by the Categories for the Description for Works of Art (CDWA) standard produced by the Getty Research Institute, and the DOCAM documentation model.

Recommended Extensions for the Fine and Contemporary Art Profile

An extension is a group of fields added to a procedure or authority to support the work of a specific community of practice, such as fine art or anthropology. Extensions to more than one procedure or authority are referred to collectively as extension sets. 


Recommended Procedures and Authorities for the Fine and Contemporary Art Profile

A group of procedures, authorities, and extensions combined to support the work of a specific community of practice are referred to as that community's profile. Often, procedures and authorities within the profile may be configured, or slightly changed, to better support the needs of that community of practice. Configuration and data maps marked profile include the above schema extensions, may have some field names changed, and may have some default fields hidden as they do not generally pertain to fine and contemporary art collections. Hidden fields may always be un-hidden if they are of use to a specific organization.


Procedures and Authorities not Recommended for the Fine and Contemporary Art Profile

Procedure or Authority Name

Configuration and Data Maps
Taxon AuthorityConfiguration and Data Map - Taxon Authority