Community Contributed Screencasts

Community Contributed Screencasts

 How to create a screencast
  • Choose a screencast topic - something short and simple. Adding a new cataloging record, creating a relationship, editing an authority term, etc. 
  • Write down a quick script for your screencast - what steps will you take, what data will you enter, what records will you visit?
  • Choose a screencast application. JingScreencast-o-Matic, and CamStudio are all free and fairly simple to use.
  • Run through your script a few times. Move the mouse a little slower than you would normally (change the settings if you have to!), and hover over buttons for a second before clicking on them. Try to keep your screencast to no more than 3-4 minutes. For larger topics, break it up into a series.
  • When you're comfortable with your content, record! 
  • Save your file - Confluence will accept formats. Follow the directions below to add your content to this page.
 How to add a screencast to this page
  • Log in to the CollectionSpace wiki. If you don't have an account, you can sign up for one here: https://wiki.collectionspace.org/signup.action
  • Select the edit button on the right side of the screen
  • Patterned on the example screencast, add your own information:
    • A brief title
    • Your name and organizational affiliation
    • A description of what you're showing in the screencast, whether step-by-step or just a summary
  • Drag your screencast file to the page, below the identifying information
  • Save or add another!



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