BAM-PFA Art fit-gap document

Note: This is a draft document.

Customization and Data tasks to be prioritized

  1. Done. Cataloging: Accession number: Made up of six subfields or parts. Need to calculate a read-only Accession Number from those parts.

  2. Done. Adapt 2-3 PAHMA web apps for move support.  They will be doing a pre-move inventory and then staging moves to other locations.

  3. Done. Integration with BAM/PFA Drupal web site: Build a feed to make metadata available for Drupal web site. Need to look into how images will be made available to Drupal.  Coordinate approach and work with CineFiles Drupal harvesting.
  4. Done. Media handling workflows: Currently, images are processed via software and moved into folders on hard drives.  Orlando has scripts that watch those folders and then process them to move them into new locations and create FileMaker records that can be related to collection items.  We can a) have them change workflow to use CSpace Media Handling as is, b) have them change workflow to use new Bulk Media Upload utility (would need to be adjusted for them) or c) develop a workflow where their watched folder images get copied to a CSpace server where they are harvested via cron (create MH records, blobs, and relationships to Collection Objects). Embed image metadata: (NLG) Right now, we have a script Orlando wrote that exports a few fields from filemaker so we can embed them in the related image using Adobe bridge - this way the key metadata travels with the image no matter what.
  5. Done. Data: Fields from other FMPro layouts (e.g., Asian Collection) 
  6. Acquisition workflow: In the future, BAM/PFA could use a single acquisition transaction with multiple collection items related to it.  Options:

    a) Done. In scope: Keep as is - Collection Item and Acquisition have a 1:1 relationship.  Acquisition information is redundant, and you can't get the overall acquisition very easily, though we could write reports based on Gift #.

      b) Done. Modest effort: Set up Acquisition procedure to be for overall transaction (multiple items). Create some item-specific acquisition fields on cataloging, and treat them as overrides.  Reports could be written that get item-specific information when it exists, or get the information from the Acquisition procedure when the item-specific field is null. 
  7. Done. Acquisition data migration implications: Currently acquisition data is has a one-to-one relationship with the collection item. Acquisition data could be parsed so that multiple collection items are related to a single acquisition transaction record.
  8. Done. Data: Parse FileMaker Artists into separate Person and Organization records.   Otherwise, rename either the default person vocabulary or the default organization vocabulary as "Artist" or "Maker" and put all current records into the single vocabulary.
  9. Cataloging: Artist information (DOB, DOD, Origin/Place) displayed read-only. Options: a) derive these Artists fields and display read-only on Cataloging, b) Done. show how disambiguation works for existing vocabulary items.
  10. Cataloging: Measurement Summary displayed read-only on Detail tab.  Options: a) calculate and display read-only measurement summary higher up on Cataloging, b) Done. ensure that CSpace Dimensions are near top and calculate Dimensions Summary, c) ensure CSpace Dimensions are near top but do not calculate Dimensions Summary.
  11. Cataloging: Acquisition fields displayed read-only on Detail tab. Options: a) derive display read-only acquisition fields and display on cataloging, b) Done. show how secondary tabs currently work to access that information.
  12. Cataloging: Location information displayed read-only on Detail tab.  Note that Current Location will be displayed on Cataloging.  Options: a) derive and display read-only Current Sub Location and Location Purpose fields, b) Done. display Current Sub Location read-only on Cataloging (not too hard since we do this for PAHMA crates already), c) show how secondary tabs currently work to access that information.

  13. Cataloging: Done. Calculate a Sortable Object Number so lists sort in a good order (we have done this for PAHMA and others)
  14. Done. Reports and extracts: Identify a modest set of reports and data extracts. Develop a few canned reports, plus help from Orlando on extracts and reports.  Counts --- maybe via a web app.

  15. Done. Data: Measurements: Probably need to reconcile some issues with measurements (legacy and new fields) and plenty of parsing, especially if calculating a summary field.

  16. Do not migrate – save to Excel (per notes on spreadsheet): Model and migrate approx 150 records that have information from "Works on ExLoan" and "Exhibition & Publication History" layouts (e.g., BorrowLender, ExhibitionDate, ExhibitionTitle, LenderAddress2 fields) 
  17. 5/7 new: Field-by-field audit trail. Using PAHMA's nightly snapshot is an option but that also would be fit-gap. Currently FMPro does not track this level of audit. Tracking history on Current Value and Initial Value is highest priority, so maybe do something for these (e.g., create a repeatable field group for these values).
  18. 5/7 new: Done. Data: Parse implicit hierarchy in Subjects/Themes field ("-Documentary" looks like a child of "Society" but it is really just another value in the controlled list). Remember that dynamic lists always sort alphabetically, so this might have to be a static list. 
  19. 5/12 new: Done. In user interface, calculate person display name (last, first middle; and first middle last for label copy) from name parts and nationality (dropdown).
  20. 5/12 new: In user interface, calculate the full BAMPFA Credit Line field (calculated field "University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive" + CreditLine).  Important field, used often by scanners and photographers.
  21. 5/12 new: Make Object Component Name values a dynamic controlled list.  Include 'Glazing', 'Frame', 'Shelf'.
  22. 5/12 new: Add repeating list for other collection taxonomy: America, Europe, Asia Collection
  23. 5/12 new: The museum would like Notes field groups to be modified to include a date field and a field denoting the person who entered the note
  24. 5/14 new: Done. Data: Change Acquisition "For" field from text into dynamic controlled list. Implement as repeating (on Acquisition and per-item Cataloging field)
  25. 5/19 new: Done. Adapt more PAHMA web apps to support move.
  26. Cataloging: Measurements: Automate metric-English unit conversions

  27. Data: Parse hierarchical relationships for CASC project (create Broader Context relationships). 

  28. Data: Parse Materials data into materials and techniques
  29. Data: Convert Acquisition Source, Copyright Holder, Text Author to person or organization authorities
  30. Data: Places: Convert text in Origin/Place on person authority to a Place authority (might be needed for LFM/FML name calculation)

  31. 5/26 new: Convert Publication/Reproduction History to a Citation authority or just enter as text into References field group.
  32. Cataloging/Condition Checking: Incorporate full procedure once adopted by CollectionSpace.
  33. Text Labels (for exhibitions).  Incorporate Exhibition authority and Presentation procedure from Walker once adopted by CollectionSpace. 

  34. Text Labels: Allow text formatting of label text (currently these texts are sent to someone to someone with other software for printing labels?)

  35. Simplify reporting on search results. Might need to build ability to run reports from search results (might not be too bad).  Might need to build checkbox capability to filter search results (probably really hard especially if pagination comes into play).

  36. Data: Subjects/Themes: Currently a drop down but could be converted to authority

  37. Data: Style/Period: Currently a drop down but could be converted to authority

  38. Data: Artists/persons: Assist with cleanup during migration. 

Basic customizations that will be done

  • Cataloging

    • Need a few fields, e.g., Date In (unless part of Acquisition), Number of Scans, Subjects/Themes, Part Of (unless decide to parse those as hierarchical relationships for CASC)

    • Collection: Will need to be repeating (like PAHMA)

    • Copyright: Add four basic fields (copyright credit, copyright holder, copyright notes, permission checkbox)

    • Period/Style: Reuse CSpace Style field and tie to dynamic controlled list.

    • Cataloging/Condition Checking: Add a few BAM/PFA fields (system currently has three non-repeating fields for Condition Notes, Conservation History, and Condition Date; but make them repeating).
    • Texts/Labels: Add repeating field group for texts/labels.
    • 5/7 new (Done): Add Qualifier to Production Person field group (probably need whole new field group)
    • 5/7 new (Done): Add  Artists Collective as separate org vocabulary.
  • Acquisition: Need to add a few fields
  • Location/Movement: Add a few fields (current system has Located (checkbox), Main Loc, Sub Loc, Purpose, Comments, and Date/By).
  • Media handing: Add a few fields (preferred view, share with public); incorporate page handling from CineFiles for CASC?
  • Build controlled lists for things like collections, etc.
  • Main Locations values will become a storage location vocabulary 
  • Dates will be parsed into structured dates.