CollectionSpace APIs

CollectionSpace offers several application programming interfaces (APIs). You can use these APIs to:

  • Write your own scripts or programs to create, update, read, list and delete data within a CollectionSpace system.
  • Integrate other systems with CollectionSpace.
  • Write code that extends CollectionSpace's capabilities.

Services Layer REST API

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Services Layer Java API

The CollectionSpace Services Layer is written in Java. You can view the Javadoc documentation for its internal Java API.

You can call existing code using this API if you wish to:

  • Write custom code to perform batch operations.
  • Write code to extend CollectionSpace's fundamental capabilities.

In order to use the Services layer's Java API, you can either use the Java programming language, or any other programming or scripting language that can call Java APIs.

If you write code of this type, please consider offering this code to the community as a code contribution.

Application Layer REST API

The CollectionSpace Application layer offers a REST API, complementing that of CollectionSpace's service layer. While this API is primarily called by CollectionSpace's User Interface (UI) layer, the Application layer calls are also accessible directly to your programs and scripts.

For an idea of the types of calls you can make using that API, please see /wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275577.

User Interface Layer JavaScript API

See Also