MoM Reports

Images Only Reporting (for grant tracking purposes)

1.      CLIR2 Tracking: Where we track the total number of image records created during the grant period.


Date rangeList of media handling records created during data rangeIdentification number


2.      CLIR2 tracking/with images: Where we track the number of image records created during the grant period that have images attached.

Date rangeList of media handling records with attached media created during data rangeIdentification number


3.      CLIR2 tracking without images: Where we find records created during the grant period that do not yet have images attached.


Date rangeList of media handling records without attached media created during data rangeIdentification number

1-3 Could be one report:

Parameter: Date range
Return: Total count of media handling records

4.      Rogers Images Reconciliation: Where we find images tagged as part of the Rogers collection and reconcile these images with the acquisition record they belong, if possible.
Images and Objects Monthly Reporting
1.      Catalog date: We update the date range for the month just completed, and report tells how many objects were cataloged in that time. In CSpace it would be newly created catalog records, can use Advanced Search, but wish to not have certain test records or skeleton records included.
2.      Image Files: Total number of object records with attached images files.  In CSpace it would be number of catalog records with Media Handling records attached, both overall and monthly.  We’re really missing the cross record type searching capability right now for monthly reporting that we had in PastPerfect.
3.      Status Date:  We update the date range for the month just completed, and report tells how many records were updated at that time.  In CSpace we could use Advanced search, but again need to include/exclude certain catalog record type.
Nice To Have Reporting
1.      Report that helps us ID records that need work (i.e. supervisor approval, needs images, etc..).  Again, some ability to search with Advanced Search, but not detailed enough.
2.      Loan reporting
3.      Inventory reporting
4.      Annual Reporting (Acquisitions updated, Total collections numbers, etc…)
5.      Form creation (i.e. Loan and Acquisition forms)