User Manual - Advanced Search

Advanced Search

To navigate to Advanced Search, click the link above keyword search on the Find and Edit screen or in the top right corner of any record.

From the Advanced Search screen, you may perform a standard record type keyword search. In addition, you may also search individual fields within a particular record type. To begin, select a record type from the drop down menu at the top of the screen.

Fill out or select options in each of your desired search fields, then choose the Boolean operator “any (OR)” or “all (AND).”  OR will return results that contain the search value you entered in at least one of the fields which you filled out. AND will return results that contain all of the search values in every field that you filled out.

Search results will appear below on a new page, similar to the standard search. Click on any identification number to navigate to the edit view for that record. Use the numbers below the results to view additional results pages. You may adjust the number of results per page via the dropdown at the bottom left of the page. Fields returned by the search may be configured by your organization. Select the field header (e.g. ID number) to sort search results by that field.


A user may also relate the records returned as a result of an advanced search to an existing record. To use this functionality, perform an advanced search for the record type you wish to add as related records, e.g. search for cataloging records to relate to a group:


After receiving your search results, select the Add to record button.  


A “search-to-relate” dialog will appear allowing you to search for and select the record you would like to add the search results to. If your search results span multiple pages, you must repeat this operation for each page of results.