User Manual - Find and Edit

Find and Edit

Find and Edit allows you to search for any record type. If you would like to search across all cataloging, procedural, and authority records, select “all record types.”


If you would like to search a particular record type, select that type from the dropdown. If you are searching an authority comprised of multiple vocabularies, you may choose to search across all vocabularies or select one.

Once you have selected a record type, enter a search term and press enter or select search. Leaving the search box blank will retrieve all records of a particular type. In the current version of CollectionSpace, wildcard searching works only in Advanced Search fields. For more about Advanced Search, see the Advanced Search section below.  

Search results will appear below the search box. Click on any identification name or number to navigate to the edit view for that record. Use the numbers below the results to view additional results pages. You may adjust the number of results per page via the dropdown at the bottom left of the page. Fields returned by the search may be configured by your organization. Select the field header (e.g. ID number) to sort search results by that field.