Version 6.0 (Released 5/2020)

Version 6.0 (Released 5/2020)

6.1 Release Summary

Version 6.1 release includes the ability to export search results into a CSV file and bug fixes.

Development Dates: 9/2019-4/2020

Release Date: 5/2020


Release notes

Release 6.0 contains a number of breaking changes. If you have customized your installation of CollectionSpace, you may need to update your configuration to work with 6.0. If you have written reports, you may need to update those reports to be compatible with 6.0. Breaking changes are noted below with BREAKING.

New functionality

  • The Herbarium profile, previously available only for CollectionSpace 4, is now available for CollectionSpace 6.  DRYD-745

  • The Botanical Garden profile, previously available only for CollectionSpace 4, is now available for CollectionSpace 6.  DRYD-744

  • BREAKING Any field is now searchable in advanced search. The configured advanced search fields for a record type are now only used as defaults if a user has not added/removed fields to be searched.  DRYD-109 - Make advanced search conditions end-user editable
    If you have customizations, changes may be required to make fields appear correctly on the advanced search form:

    • Many fields now have fullName or groupName messages in addition to the name message. If you changed the labels of any fields by customizing the name message, you must now also customize the fullName/groupName message if one exists for the field, so that your customized label will appear on the advanced search form. Use the messages reference or source code to see if a field has a fullName or groupName message.

  • An optional built-in public-facing collection browser application can now be deployed along with CollectionSpace.  DRYD-853 /  DRYD-815 / DRYD-819 / DRYD-807 / DRYD-830

  • Data may now be automatically migrated when upgrading to a new version of CollectionSpace with schema changes. This happens when the new version is started for the first time, and an older database is detected.  DRYD-835

  • The Password and Confirm Password fields of immutable users can now be configured to be editable in the UI. This would allow the password of built-in users to be changed in the UI, if desired. By default, these fields remain read-only in the UI.  DRYD-838

  • A new data update, Merge Authority Items, is available. This can be used to merge duplicated authority items together.  DRYD-748

  • BREAKING Permissions for viewing/editing the metadata of reports and data updates are now distinct from permissions to run the reports and data updates. Two new resources now appear when setting permissions for a role: Data Update Invocations, and Report Invocations. A role must be granted Write access to these resources in order to run data updates and reports. When upgrading, review all roles to ensure that these permissions are set properly so that the correct users are still allowed to run data updates and reports.  DRYD-776 / DRYD-732

  • An individual report may now specify the roles that are allowed to run it (in addition to having the appropriate Report Invocations permission).  DRYD-764

  • Reports may now use JasperReports built-in functions and JavaScript expressions.  DRYD-752

  • Report metadata may now specify the MIME types that are supported. When running a report in the UI, only the supported mime types will be selectable in the output format selector.  DRYD-831

  • On the full size image viewer, rotate left/right buttons are now available. This only affects the current display. It does not change the rotation of the saved image.  DRYD-836

Schema changes

  • BREAKING On the Use of Collections Record, several fields have moved. Data will be automatically migrated from the old fields to new fields when CSpace 6 starts up for the first time. If you have written reports that use the old fields, your queries will need to be updated to use the new fields.  DRYD-827

Old Field

New Field

Old Field

New Field











  • BREAKING On the Intake record, the Current Owner field is now repeating. The Depositor and Depositor's Requirements fields are now members of a repeating group. Data will be automatically migrated from the old fields to new repeating fields when CSpace 6 starts up for the first time. If you have written reports that use the old fields, your queries will need to be updated to use the new fields.  DRYD-801

Old Field

New Field

Old Field

New Field







  • BREAKING On the Organization record, Contact Name has moved into a repeating group. Data will be automatically migrated from the old field to new field when CSpace 6 starts up for the first time. If you have written reports that use the old field, your queries will need to be updated to use the new field.  DRYD-566

Old Field

New Field

Old Field

New Field



The new contactGroup also contains the following new fields: contactRole, contactDateGroup, contactEndDateGroup, contactStatus.

  • BREAKING In the Anthropology profile: On the Object record, the NAGPRA Cultural Determination field has moved into a repeating group (as the Note field). Data will be automatically migrated from the old field to new field when CSpace 6 starts up for the first time. If you have written reports that use the old field, your queries will need to be updated to use the new field.  DRYD-820

Old Field

New Field

Old Field

New Field



  • BREAKING On the Object record, the data type of the following fields have changed from string to date. Data will be automatically updated when CSpace 6 starts up for the first time. If you have written reports that use these fields, you may need to format the results differently, since they will now contain a timestamp.  DRYD-812 Closed

    • collectionobjects_accessionuse:accessionUseGroupList/accessionUseGroup/accessionUseRequestDate

    • collectionobjects_accessionuse:accessionUseGroupList/accessionUseGroup/accessionUseFilledDate

    • collectionobjects_annotation:annotationGroupList/annotationGroup/annotationDate

  • On the Media record, a new field has been added: Publish To. This field is used to determine if the media record's associated image will appear in the public browser (if the value is All or CollectionSpace Public Browser).  DRYD-830

  • In the Public Art profile:

    • A new field has been added to the Person record: Biographical Note.  DRYD-811

    • A new field has been added to the Place record, in the repeating Address group: County.  DRYD-811

Configuration changes

  • BREAKING The following UI message IDs have been changed to follow the conventional message ID format. If you customized any of these messages using the old message ID, update your configuration to use the new message ID.


Old ID

New ID


Old ID

New ID




uppercase 'N'



uppercase 'N'



uppercase 'N'



uppercase 'N'



remove 's'



'approvalGroup' is intentionally repeated




'approvalGroup' is intentionally repeated.

Previously, this message was erroneously used on both the intake record and acquisition record. Now there are two separate messages for each record type that can be changed independently.



'approvalGroup' is intentionally repeated



record type corrected



schema name corrected



schema name corrected



field name corrected



field name corrected



field name corrected


  • The following vocabularies have been added to the Conservator and Other Treatment Party fields on Conservation records: Local Organization, Shared Organization.  DRYD-821

Bug fixes

  • Field groups that are nested in repeating groups, and contain fields with default values, no longer re-appear after deletion.  DRYD-858

  • When downloading UI configuration as JSON from /config, field view types are now included. (This is primarily of interest to CollectionSpace developers).  DRYD-851

  • Edited field values no longer revert to their last saved values when a notification message is auto-closed.  DRYD-845

  • Selected search results no longer become unchecked when changing pages when multiple search conditions are used.  DRYD-834

  • Image thumbnails and snapshots (in the right sidebar) are now oriented according to their exif orientation tag (only on Firefox and Chrome >= 81).  DRYD-828

  • Cloning the current Object record to create a Broader Object no longer fails.  DRYD-824

  • Group records with customized titles that are not ref names are now displayed correctly.  DRYD-823

  • Navigating through image snapshots (in the right sidebar) with the arrow buttons now works correctly.  DRYD-818

  • Viewing an image snapshot (in the right sidebar) by clicking on the thumbnail strip now works correctly.  DRYD-633

  • Roles with Write or Delete permissions on Location/Movement/Inventory records are now able to lock those records. If a role that has those permissions is still unable to lock a record, re-save the role.  DRYD-810

  • On advanced search, searches for numbers with decimals are no longer truncated at the decimal.  DRYD-797

  • Blank options no longer appear twice in option lists that explicitly contain a blank option.  DRYD-794

  • Searches on repeating structured date fields no longer produce incorrect results.  DRYD-786

  • When syncing from a shared authority server, items deleted on the server are now correctly deprecated.  DRYD-769

  • When syncing from a shared authority server, the workflow state of newly created items on the server is now correctly synced.  DRYD-768

  • Syncing from a shared authority server no longer fails when an item has been hard-deleted on the server.  DRYD-686

  • Syncing an authority with more than 2,500 items from a shared authority server is now possible.  DRYD-539

  • The speed of syncing from a shared authority server has been greatly improved.  DRYD-765

  • The UI no longer sends invalid page number/size parameters to the back end.  DRYD-712

  • Deleting a term from a term list with many options no longer fails.  DRYD-568