Version 6.1 (Released 10/2020)

Version 6.1 (Released 10/2020)

6.1 Release Summary

Version 6.1 release includes the ability to export search results into a CSV file and bug fixes.

Development Dates: 5/2020-9/2020

Release Date: 10/2020


Release notes

Release 6.1 does not contain any breaking changes.

New functionality

Schema changes

  • On the Object record, a new field called Name Collections has been added. DRYD-880 / DRYD-908

  • In the Fine and Contemporary Art profile, the Annotation extension has been added to the Object Cataloging procedure. DRYD-881

  • In the Anthropology profile, the Reporting field group has been added to the Repatriation and NAGPRA Compliance Information section of the Object record.  DRYD-621

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a timeout error when reindexing Elasticsearch.  DRYD-885

  • Users with None-level access to the Users service are now able to log in.  DRYD-861

  • Fixed an error when saving records after Create New in a secondary tab.  DRYD-859

  • Fixed some term lists not being loaded in the Fine and Contemporary Art profile.  DRYD-910

  • The Merge Authority Items batch job no longer allows merging a term into a different authority. This now results in an error.  DRYD-857

  • The Merge Authority Items batch job can now merge Taxonomic Name records in the  Anthropology, Botanical Garden, and Herbarium profiles.  DRYD-849

Upgrading to v6.1

Instructions for upgrading to v6.1 can be found on our Documentation wiki.