CollectionSpace Domain Profiles

CollectionSpace Domain Profiles


The adopters of CollectionSpace represent a wide range of different museum domains and communities of practice. To make it easier for museums and collections from different domains to benefit from CollectionSpace's core platform, while still maintaining information that is unique to their collections, we have developed a set of domain profiles. These profiles include extensions to the common CollectionSpace platform that support domain-specific practices - things like determination history for an herbarium or emulation data for a new media collection.

New implementers may choose to begin with an existing profile, work with the CollectionSpace program team to develop a new profile, or combine existing extensions and other customizations for a unique installation.

Domain Profiles


The CollectionSpace core profile is based on the Spectrum Documentation Standard, which is stewarded and maintained by the CollectionsTrust. The core profile does not include any domain-specific extensions.

The demo site for the Core profile can be accessed via https://core.collectionspace.org, with the credentials:

Login: admin@core.collectionspace.org
Password: Administrator


The CollectionSpace Anthropology profile was initiated by the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, and contains extensions to support cultural care documentation, NAGPRA claims management, osteology inventories, and scientific taxonomies.

The demo site for the Anthropology profile can be accessed via https://anthro.collectionspace.org, with the credentials:

Login: admin@anthro.collectionspace.org
Password: Administrator

Bonsai Garden

The CollectionSpace Bonsai profile was initiated by the Golden State Bonsai Federation and the Pacific Bonsai Museum and contains extensions to support bonsai conservation and pot tracking.

The demo site for the Bonsai profile can be accessed via https://bonsai.collectionspace.org, with the credentials:

Login: admin@bonsai.collectionspace.org
Password: Administrator

Botanical Garden

The CollectionSpace Botanical Garden profile was initiated by the University of California Botanical Garden and contains extensions to support scientific taxonomies, propagation, voucher creation, and more.

The demo site for the Botanical Garden profile can be accessed via https://botgarden.collectionspace.org, with the credentials:

Login: admin@botgarden.collectionspace.org
Password: Administrator

Design Materials

The CollectionSpace Design Materials profile was created and is stewarded by the Material Order consortium. To learn more about Material Order, visit their website: https://materialorder.org/

The demo site for the Design Materials profile can be accessed via https://materials.collectionspace.orgwith the credentials:

Login: admin@materials.collectionspace.org
Password: Administrator

Fine and Contemporary Art

The CollectionSpace Fine and Contemporary Art profile was initiated by the Museum of the Moving Image (NY) and includes extensions to support cataloging, describing, transporting, and exhibiting fine art, contemporary art, and time-based works.

The demo site for the Fine and Contemporary Art profile can be accessed via https://fcart.collectionspace.org, with the credentials:

Login: admin@fcart.collectionspace.org
Password: Administrator


The CollectionSpace Herbarium profile was initiated by the University and Jepson Herbaria at the University of California, Berkeley, and includes extensions to support scientific taxonomies, locality information, and georeferencing.

The demo site for the Herbarium profile can be accessed via https://herbarium.collectionspace.org, with the credentials:

Login: admin@herbarium.collectionspace.org
Password: Administrator

Local History and Material Culture

The CollectionSpace Local History and Material Culture supports all aspects of collections management, from cataloging and loans to media handling and deaccessions.

The demo site for the Local History and Material Culture profile can be accessed via https://lhmc.collectionspace.org, with the credentials:

Login: admin@lhmc.collectionspace.org
Password: Administrator

Public Art

The CollectionSpace Public Art profile was created and is stewarded by the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF). To learn more about implementing the public art profile,  visit their website: https://www.publicartarchive.org/collection-management-system/.

The demo site for the Public Art profile can be accessed via https://publicart.collectiosnpace.org, with the credentials:

Login: admin@publicart.collectionspace.org
Password: Administrator

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