Material Order Member Onboarding
Described below are tools and platforms used by Material Order to provide access to and communicate information to consortium members. Lead trainers will coordinate and confirm access to the below resources for individuals of new member institutions.
Accounts to CollectionSpace Instances
Shared Materials Authority (CollectionSpace)
The designated Institutional Admin will be assigned a CollectionSpace account in the Shared Materials Authority. Training on how to create additional user accounts will be provided so the Institutional Admin can do so for their institution’s users. Enter update in CSpace User Account Log
Access Provider: Johanna Kasubowski
Local CollectionSpace Instances
The Institutional Admin is responsible for providing accounts for their users. Enter update in CSpace User Account Log
Access Provider: Institutional Admin
Material Order Google Drive
The Material Order Google Drive contains meeting agenda and other documentation that supports the work of the consortium members.
Access Provider: Mark Pompelia
Access will be provided to the designated institutional users of CollectionSpace. Material Order members with an active Administrator role in CollectionSpace will receive an editor role and supporting staff of member institutions with an active “Material Order_Cataloger” in CollectionSpace will receive view-only access – this is inclusive of student, temporary, and project staff.
Access Provider: Megan Forbes and/or Mark Pompelia
Name | Institution | Confluence Group |
Participating Members of Material Order Consortium email group
Email group used to communicate amongst member institution stakeholders. Communications typically include meeting planning, CollectionSpace issues, announcements, general questions, etc. Member institutions designate the FTE who should be added to the email group.
Access Provider: Linda Colet, Lyrasis
Name | Institution | |
Linda Colet | CollectionSpace (Lyrasis) | |
Michael Carrol | Fisher Fine Arts Library, University of Pennsylvania | |
Sarah Chan |
| Fisher Fine Arts Library, University of Pennsylvania |
Johanna Kasubowski | Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD), Frances Loeb Library | |
Margot Nishimura | Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Fleet Library | |
Mark Pompelia | Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Fleet Library | |
Rebecca Price | University of Michigan, Art, Architecture & Engineering Library | |
Alecia Underhill | Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Fleet Library | |
Jessi Weithman | CollectionSpace (Lyrasis) | |
Ann Whiteside |
| Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD), Frances Loeb Library |
Mika Tal | Columbia University, Preservation Technology Laboratory (GSAPP) | |
Inna Verdiyan | University of Michigan, Art, Architecture & Engineering Library |
The CollectionSpace program team uses the TALK listserv is for discussion and peer support among CollectionSpace implementers, and between implementers and the CollectionSpace development team. The Talk list can be used for your installation questions, bug reports, configuration and customization questions, sharing contributions and best practices with others, and making feature requests. Anyone wishing to evaluate CollectionSpace for possible use is also encouraged to join this list. Follow this link to view the archives of the TALK list.
Access Provider: Self