User Manual - Users
Create a new user account
To create a new user account, select + User.
Once all the information is entered, select save, and the user account will appear on the left with all other active accounts. The email address entered on creation will become the user’s permanent user ID. The email address (used, for example, to reset a password) may then be changed, but the user ID will remain the same.
Search for a user account
To search for an existing user account, navigate to the Users screen via the Administration menu item in the top navigation bar.
Enter a search term into the search box under the Administration tab menu. Click on Find User to complete the search. Select Show all users to return to the full list of active user accounts.
View or edit an existing user account
To view or edit an existing user account, select the user name from the list of users on the left side of the screen. Note: You must have delete permission to Users to edit a user account. For more information on roles and permissions, see below.
You may edit the user’s email address, full name, password, status, and assigned roles from this screen. The user ID may not be edited. After changing a user name, select or tab to the save button. Your changes will be reflected in the list of user accounts on the left side of the screen.
Delete a user account
To delete a user account, open any existing user and select the delete button at the top of the edit screen.
A confirmation screen will appear. Select delete to delete the user account or cancel or close to return to the edit screen.
After selecting delete, the user account will be removed and you will be returned to the main user administration screen.