Voucher Wireframes

Voucher Wireframes

Wireframes - Bot Garden Voucher

Note that these are rough functional wireframes, and not intended to convey the actual look and feel of the resulting UI.

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Workflow - Bot Garden Process diagram

This PDF - shows the final conversational outcomes with our Resource and Metadata management in Museums, Archives, and Research Collections - Tools and Practices class. 

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Workflow - Bot Garden Process description:

Collection Space Voucher Procedure Workflow Notes

1. User (personas: Bot Garden employee, grad student, collector) navigates to collectionspace.org [UX: CollectionSpace homepage].
2. User logs into CollectionSpace. [UX: CollectionSpace admin welcome page].
4. User search to locate Accession Number, accessing a controlled vocabulary by typing the first few characters of the accession number for the desired specimen.
5. User clicks on “Voucher” tab to create a voucher record.
6. User has option to add a new voucher record, create a new voucher from an existing voucher record, or finish entering data for a previous session.
7. VOUCHER EDITOR opens with certain fields (accession number, taxon name) pre-populated from accession number data.
8. DATA ENTRY - User enters the following data:

* (see Schema)

9. User makes use of Cancel, Delete and Save buttons in CollectionSpace as appropriate.
10. User clicks Report button to trigger voucher label creation. Vouchers are then available for printing, downloading and sending to recipient institutions.
11. When voucher is accessioned into the recipient institution and given a sheet accession number, this accession number is recorded in the CollectionSpace system and acts as confirmation of receipt of voucher and completion of record.

It would be nice to also describe the basic high-level workflow here (the one we listed on the right whiteboard on Wednesday). You could get really ambitious and try to draw it with little bubbles, as in this elaborate Object Entry Workflow diagram.