PAHMA Loans data mapping
This page contains information about PAHMA's data migration of Loans and related info.
See parent page on PAHMA data migration ETL work.
Loans Out extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
Loans |
loanNumber |
loanOutNumber |
Loans |
loanPurposeID |
loanPurpose |
FK to LoanPurposes |
Loans |
constituentID |
borrower |
FK to Constituents; reference to Person Authority |
Loans |
beginISODate |
loanOutDate |
Loans |
endISODate |
loanReturnDate |
Loans |
requestDate |
loanStatusDate |
with loanStatus of 'requested' |
Loans |
requestedBy |
loanStatusNote |
with loanStatus of 'requested' |
Loans |
description |
loanOutNote |
Loans |
contact |
loanOutNote |
Loans |
remarks |
loanOutNote |
sql query
view: cs_loansout (refreshed 2012-03-22)
SELECT l.loanID loanoutID, l.loanNumber loanOutNumber, (CASE WHEN l.loanPurposeID != 0 THEN '' + lower(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(p.loanPurpose, ' ', '_'), '-', '_'), ':', ''), '.', ''), ',', '')) + ')''' + p.loanPurpose + '''' END) loanPurpose, (CASE WHEN l.constituentID != -1 THEN l.constituentID END) borrower, l.beginISODate loanOutDate, l.endISODate loanReturnDate, (CASE WHEN l.requestDate IS NOT NULL OR l.requestedBy IS NOT NULL THEN '''requested''' END) loanStatus, CONVERT(VARCHAR, l.requestDate, 101) loanStatusDate, (CASE WHEN l.requestedBy IS NOT NULL THEN 'Requested by: ' + l.requestedBy END) loanStatusNote, l.description loanOutNote_1, (CASE WHEN IS NOT NULL THEN 'Contact: "' + + '"' END) loanOutNote_2, l.remarks loanOutNote_3 FROM Loans l JOIN LoanPurposes p ON l.loanPurposeID = p.loanPurposeID WHERE l.loanin = 0 ;
- NOTE: the loanOutNote_1, loanOutNote_2, and loanOutNote_3 fields in this query should be concatenated into a single field loanOutNote, separated by line breaks; this cannot be done in this query because fields of type TEXT do not allow concatenation
LoanOut-Object Relationships extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
LoanObjXrefs |
objectID |
reference to Object |
LoanObjXrefs |
loanID |
reference to LoanOut |
sql query
view: cs_loanoutobjectrelationships (refreshed 2012-03-22)
SELECT CAST (x.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, x.loanID loanoutID FROM LoanObjXrefs x JOIN loans l ON x.loanID = l.loanID WHERE l.loanin = 0 ;
LoanOut "Borrower's authorizer" extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ConXrefs |
loanoutID |
reference to LoanOut |
ConXrefs |
constituentID |
borrowersAuthorizer |
sql query
view: cs_loanoutborrowersauthorizers (refreshed 2012-03-22)
SELECT x.ID loanoutID, x.constituentID borrowersAuthorizer FROM ConXrefs x JOIN roles r ON x.roleID = r.roleID JOIN loans l ON x.ID = l.loanID WHERE x.tableID = 81 AND = 1 AND l.loanin = 0 AND x.roleID = 71 ;
- code 71 (Sponsor) is mapped to Borrower's authorizer field
LoanOut "Borrower's contact" extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ConXrefs |
loanoutID |
reference to LoanOut |
ConXrefs |
constituentID |
borrowersContact |
sql query
view: cs_loanoutborrowerscontacts (refreshed 2012-03-22)
SELECT x.ID loanoutID, x.constituentID borrowersContact FROM ConXrefs x JOIN roles r ON x.roleID = r.roleID JOIN loans l ON x.ID = l.loanID WHERE x.tableID = 81 AND = 1 AND l.loanin = 0 AND x.roleID IN (79, 82) ;
- code 79 (Borrower's contact) and code 82 (Out-loan organizer) are mapped to Borrower's contact field
Loans In extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
Loans |
loanNumber |
loanInNumber |
Loans |
loanPurposeID |
loanPurpose |
FK to LoanPurposes |
Loans |
constituentID |
lender |
FK to Constituents; reference to Person Authority |
Loans |
beginISODate |
loanInDate |
Loans |
endISODate |
loanReturnDate |
Loans |
requestDate |
loanStatusDate |
with loanStatus of 'requested' |
Loans |
requestedBy |
loanStatusNote |
with loanStatus of 'requested' |
Loans |
description |
loanInNote |
Loans |
contact |
loanInNote |
Loans |
remarks |
loanInNote |
sql query
view: cs_loansin (refreshed 2012-04-10)
SELECT l.loanID loaninID, l.loanNumber loanInNumber, (CASE WHEN l.loanPurposeID != 0 THEN '' + lower(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(p.loanPurpose, ' ', '_'), '-', '_'), ':', ''), '.', ''), ',', '')) + ')''' + p.loanPurpose + '''' END) loanPurpose, (CASE WHEN l.constituentID != -1 THEN l.constituentID END) lender, --? l.beginISODate loanInDate, l.endISODate loanReturnDate, (CASE WHEN l.requestDate IS NOT NULL OR l.requestedBy IS NOT NULL THEN '''requested''' END) loanStatus, CONVERT(VARCHAR, l.requestDate, 101) loanStatusDate, (CASE WHEN l.requestedBy IS NOT NULL THEN 'Requested by: ' + l.requestedBy END) loanStatusNote, l.description loanInNote_1, (CASE WHEN IS NOT NULL THEN 'Contact: "' + + '"' END) loanInNote_2, l.remarks loanInNote_3 FROM Loans l JOIN LoanPurposes p ON l.loanPurposeID = p.loanPurposeID WHERE l.loanin = 1 ;
- NOTE: the loanInNote_1, loanInNote_2, and loanInNote_3 fields in this query should be concatenated into a single field loanInNote, separated by line breaks; this cannot be done in this query because fields of type TEXT do not allow concatenation
LoanIn-Object Relationships extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
LoanObjXrefs |
objectID |
reference to Object |
LoanObjXrefs |
loanID |
reference to LoanIn |
sql query
view: cs_loaninobjectrelationships (refreshed 2012-03-22)
SELECT CAST (x.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, x.loanID loaninID FROM LoanObjXrefs x JOIN loans l ON x.loanID = l.loanID WHERE l.loanin = 1 ;
LoanIn "Lender's contact" extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ConXrefs |
loaninID |
reference to LoanIn |
ConXrefs |
constituentID |
lendersContact |
sql query
view: cs_loaninlenderscontacts (refreshed 2012-03-22)
SELECT x.ID loaninID, x.constituentID lendersContact FROM ConXrefs x JOIN roles r ON x.roleID = r.roleID JOIN loans l ON x.ID = l.loanID WHERE x.tableID = 81 AND = 1 AND l.loanin = 1 AND x.roleID IN (76, 77, 79) ;
- code 76 (In-loan organizer), code 77 (Lender's contact), and code 79 (Borrower's contact) are mapped to Lender's contact field