PAHMA Object Exit data mapping
This page contains information about PAHMA's data migration of Object Exits (Deaccessions) and related info.
See parent page on PAHMA data migration ETL work.
Object Exits extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
Objects |
ObjectNumber |
exitNumber |
prepended with 'EX' |
ObjDeaccession |
DispositionMethod |
exitReason |
FK to DispositionMethods |
sql query
view: cs_objectexits (refreshed 2012-03-22)
SELECT d.deaccessionID objectexitID, 'EX' + o.ObjectNumber exitNumber, (CASE WHEN d.dispositionMethod NOT IN (0, 9, 10) THEN lower(m.dispositionMethod) END) exitReason FROM ObjDeaccession d JOIN Objects o ON d.objectID = o.objectID JOIN DispositionMethods m ON d.dispositionMethod = m.dispMethodID WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 ;
- dispositionMethod values of 0 ("not assigned"), 9 ("number not used"), and 10 ("not found") are not imported
ObjectExit-Object Relationships extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ObjDeaccession |
objectID |
reference to Object |
ObjDeaccession |
deaccessionID |
reference to ObjectExit |
sql query
view: cs_objectexitobjectrelationships (refreshed 2012-03-22)
SELECT CAST (d.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, d.deaccessionID objectexitID FROM ObjDeaccession d WHERE d.objectID IN (SELECT o.objectid FROM objects o WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0) ;
Exit Date extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ObjDeaccession |
SaleDate |
exitDate |
ConXrefs |
DateBegin OR DisplayDate |
exitDate |
sql query
view: cs_objectexitdates (refreshed 2012-03-22)
SELECT d.deaccessionID objectexitID, CONVERT (VARCHAR, d.saleDate, 101) exitDate FROM ObjDeaccession d WHERE d.objectID IN (SELECT o.objectid FROM objects o WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0) AND d.saleDate IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT d.deaccessionID objectexitID, CONVERT (VARCHAR, CASE WHEN x.dateBegin != 0 THEN x.dateBegin WHEN x.displayDate IS NOT NULL AND LEN(x.displayDate) > 0 THEN substring(x.displayDate, len(x.displayDate)-4, 5) END) exitDate FROM ConXrefs x JOIN ROLES r ON x.roleID = r.roleID JOIN objDeaccession d ON x.ID = d.objectID WHERE x.tableID = 108 AND = 1 AND d.objectID IN (SELECT o.objectid FROM objects o WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0) AND lower(r.role) IN ('deaccession recipient') AND (x.dateBegin != 0 OR x.displayDate IS NOT NULL) ;
New Owner extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ObjDeaccession |
RecipientConID |
currentOwner |
reference to Person/Org Authority |
ConXrefs |
ConstituentID |
currentOwner |
reference to Person/Org Authority |
sql query
view: cs_newobjectowners (refreshed 2012-03-22)
SELECT d.deaccessionID objectexitID, (CASE WHEN d.recipientConID != -1 THEN d.recipientConID END) currentOwner FROM ObjDeaccession d WHERE d.objectID IN (SELECT o.objectid FROM objects o WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0) AND d.recipientConID != -1 UNION ALL SELECT d.deaccessionID objectexitID, x.constituentID currentOwner FROM ConXrefs x JOIN ROLES r ON x.roleID = r.roleID JOIN objDeaccession d ON x.ID = d.objectID WHERE x.tableID = 108 AND = 1 AND d.objectID IN (SELECT o.objectid FROM objects o WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0) AND lower(r.role) IN ('deaccession recipient') ;
Exit Note extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ObjDeaccession |
Terms |
exitNote |
ObjDeaccession |
ProceedsRcvdDate |
exitNote |
ObjDeaccession |
Remarks |
exitNote |
ConXrefs |
Remarks |
exitNote |
sql query
view: cs_objectexitnotes (refreshed 2012-03-22)
SELECT d.deaccessionID objectexitID, d.terms exitNote FROM ObjDeaccession d WHERE d.objectID IN (SELECT o.objectid FROM objects o WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0) AND d.terms IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT d.deaccessionID objectexitID, (CASE WHEN d.proceedsRcvdDate IS NOT NULL THEN 'TMS ProceedsRcvdDate: ' + CONVERT (VARCHAR, d.proceedsRcvdDate, 101) END) exitNote FROM ObjDeaccession d WHERE d.objectID IN (SELECT o.objectid FROM objects o WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0) AND d.proceedsRcvdDate IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT d.deaccessionID objectexitID, d.remarks exitNote FROM ObjDeaccession d WHERE d.objectID IN (SELECT o.objectid FROM objects o WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0) AND d.remarks IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT d.deaccessionID objectexitID, 'TMS DeaccessionRecipient: ' + x.remarks exitNote FROM ConXrefs x JOIN ROLES r ON x.roleID = r.roleID JOIN objDeaccession d ON x.ID = d.objectID WHERE x.tableID = 108 AND = 1 AND d.objectID IN (SELECT o.objectid FROM objects o WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0) AND lower(r.role) IN ('deaccession recipient') AND x.remarks IS NOT NULL ;
- NOTE: multiple exitNote values per ObjectExit record should be concatenated into a single field, separated by line breaks