SMK Citation Authority Requirements
This page contains SMK's original requirements/schema for the Citation Autohrity (and history see below):
Information Group |
Globus Field name |
Fine Arts Extension (CDWA) |
SMK Extension |
Data Type |
Repeatable |
Remarks |
Citation Authority |
Accessionsnr. |
Citation authority record ID |
Controlled number |
No |
Forfatter, fornavn/efternavn |
Source author |
Name authority - all |
Yes |
Forfatter, funktionsbetegnelse |
Source author > role |
Controlled list |
Yes? |
Could this field be substituted by adopting CS/CDWA practice and use the field Editor/Compiler (Name Authority) instead? |
Hoved titel |
Source title |
Text |
No |
Undertitel |
Source title > subtitle |
Text |
No |
Udgave |
Source edition statement |
Text |
No |
Udgivelsessted |
Source publication place |
Place authority |
Yes |
Forlag |
Source publisher |
Name authority - all |
Yes |
År |
Source publication year |
Date units of information |
No |
Monografi som værtspublikation/Tidsskrift som værtspublikation |
Source broader title |
Text |
No |
Forfatter til værtspublikation |
Source broader title > author/editor |
Name authority |
Yes |
Nr. |
Source broader title > issue number |
Text |
No |
Tidsskriftsdatering |
Source broader title > publication date |
Date units of information |
No |
Tidsskrift sidetal |
Source broader title > pagination |
Text |
No |
Text |
No |
Text |
No |
Udstilling |
Exhibition |
Text or Exhibition authority |
No |
Note |
Remarks |
Text box |
No |
Pladssignatur |
Placement number |
Text |
No |
The CS Citation Authority Schema is derived from CDWA with only the Citation Authority record ID missing. The Citation Authority will not be part of the Core development within a foreseeable future.
(Update October 16th, 2012: Berkeley will now start building a Citation Authority to an extended schema, that also reflects and exceeds our requirements. UCB expects to contribute this to the CS community within three months). Update December 14th, 2012: Berkeley did not build this authority so we may have to build it ourselves. If we do so we will build the authority to the UCB schema even though it contains a number of fields for which we have no use, since it will make the authority usable for community at large and since the workload is not overwhelming. Update February 14th, 2013: We ended up building the Citation Authority to the UCB Schema - see main page.
Question: Why not make the Source Broader title a Citation Authority Record itself? I.e. all articles in a publication would then be related to the same 'mother publication' instead of appearing in a text field in each source record. we would stille need the Source Broader Title sub-fields of: Issue number, publication date, and pagination for each source record - but not the author/editor. *NB: *This is the solution proposed by UCB, and we will go along with that (i.e. mapping needs to be updated; DONE).