UCB CSpace Deployment priorities - Nov 28 week
UCB CSpace Deployment priorities - Nov 28 week
NOT CURRENT - Superseded by http://wiki.collectionspace.org/display/deploy/UCB+CSpace+Deployment+priorities+-+Jan+2012
This priorities document brings together tasks for UCB deployments including those that are more closely related to development (and which used to be captured on a separate document).
Priorities key: "**" = highest. "*" = high. none = moderate. "-" = low. Tasks with strikethrough formatting are completed.
Jira filters
- Resolved and closed tasks in UCB deployment projects and CSpace with IMLS label
- Tasks with status In Progress on UCB deployments and CSpace with IMLS label.
- People need to click Start Work button for tasks In Progress
Current release UCB deployments not in progress
- For current release, tasks with status open or reopened for UCB deployments plus CSpace project with IMLS label
CSpace-IMLS tasks not in progress
- To find things like Place Authority (UCB IMLS label) not in progress. Looks across all versions.
Priority tasks that require dev team assistance
- ** 1.12 confirming ability to have three schema on records (beyond collectionobject) - core, domain, local (Ray, Richard, Aron, Rick). See PAHMA-118.
- ** Evaluate whether to use dev.cspace as as multi-tenant dev-QA server (Glen)
- Because tenants use common services layer, we run the risk of losing data in other tenants. Therefore for now, dev.cspace will be the dev server for PAHMA, and we will get new VMs for other deployments.
- **Is import working on dev.cspace to core and lifesci tenants?
- * Establish procedures and protocols for svn checkouts, updates, and commits.
- ** Place authority: Work underway. Rick to work on app layer and UI. Parent task is CSPACE-4391
- ** Concept authority: Design and schema complete. Parent task is CSPACE-4608
- * Citation authority: Design and schema complete. Chris to add to Jira.
- * Object relationships (hierarchical and non-hierarchical): Design drafted. Chris to send out for review.
- * Image loading performance: Patrick to check with Richard to see if there are any expected changes in 1.12.
- * XML import: Importing multiple multi-value/repeating XML blocks (Yuteh, Richard). Yuteh has developed a Java program for this and will continue to make it more generic for us to reuse.
- Media Handling: Actionable link to a URL for an asset in another system. See CSPACE-4415 (still assigned to v1.x). CSpace not expected to pass authn credentials; user will authenticate if needed. Ideally, this field would be repeatable and have associated attributes to be determined (e.g., date, type, note). As a result , the Image Record would not need to have an Image File uploaded. However, an Image Record that does have an Image File could use this field to identify where other versions of this image are deposited (e.g., CollectionSpace could have a JPEG while a repository has the TIFF).
- Import service refactoring (larger loads and performance. On an 8GB VM with tweaked memory settings, we can only load 2750 catalog records with full schema). Need jira.
PAHMA priority tasks
- ** PAHMA: Claim is new (Aron or Ray, refactoring to core, anthropology, and pahma schema) See PAHMA-97
- ** PAHMA: Cataloging has been modified. (Ray) See PAHMA-98
- ** PAHMA: Movement has been modified (check app layer, UI) (is undergoing some redesign work as well.) See PAHMA-104
- * PAHMA: Person has been modified (check app layer, UI) (John K) (not sure the services can be modified in the easier method) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/PAHMA-105
- * PAHMA: Organization has NOT been modified (John K) but we will add two fields See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/PAHMA-106
- * PAHMA: Taxon has NOT been modified (check priority with Michael) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/PAHMA-107
- * PAHMA data: ETL for controlled list values (identify lists and list values and whether to store in XML or table) (Yuteh, Chris, Michael, John K) http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/PAHMA-112
- ** PAHMA data: Load persons and organizations (Yuteh) http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/PAHMA-110, http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/PAHMA-111
- * PAHMA data: Storage Location authority schema modifications and data. Dec 9 update: Some redesign work to add two fields underway. Then needs assigning.
- ** PAHMA barcode workflows, Movement procedure redesign, and experiments (Chris, Michael, Martina)
- PAHMA barcode location data import (TBD)
- PAHMA object data for 1.12 (TBD)
- PAHMA other schema (dimensions, contacts, needed updating)
- PAHMA Acquisition (check app layer, UI) has been modified (check priority with Michael) See PAHMA-99
- PAHMA: Intake has been modified (check app layer, UI) (check priority with Michael) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/PAHMA-100
- PAHMA: Loanin has been modified (check app layer, UI) (check priority with Michael) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/PAHMA-101
- PAHMA: Loanout has been modified (check app layer, UI) (check priority with Michael) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/PAHMA-102
- PAHMA: Media has been modified (check app layer, UI) (check priority with Michael) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/PAHMA-103
- PAHMA data: Extract for persons and organizations (John K) http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/PAHMA-108, http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/PAHMA-109
UCJEPS priority tasks
- ** UCJEPS: Upgrade Media Handling for 1.12 (Services, App, and UI) (Ray) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/UCJEPS-81
- ** UCJEPS: Upgrade Cataloging for 1.12 (Services, App, and UI) (Ray) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/UCJEPS-82
- ** UCJEPS: Enable Taxonomy authority (Is UCJEPS-1.8 straight from lifesci tenant or is it modified?) (Rick and Ray) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/UCJEPS-83
- ** UCJEPS: Figure out how to migrate data and image content to 1.12 (Patrick and Richard) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/UCJEPS-84
- ** UCJEPS: Batch process - create Cataloging records from Media records (Glen) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/UCJEPS-70
- * UCJEPS: Modify cataloging page (field groups for associated taxa, elevation, depth) (Ray and Glen) http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/UCJEPS-43, http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/UCJEPS-44
- * UCJEPS data: ETL for controlled list values (Lam) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/UCJEPS-85
- * UCJEPS data: ETL for specimen data (Lam) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/UCJEPS-86
- * UCJEPS reports: seaweed project reports (3) (Lam) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/UCJEPS-87
- - UCJEPS: exchanges (TBD)
- - UCJEPS: e-loans (digital image requests) (TBD)
- - Lifesci type specimen refactoring (?) (TBD)
HAVRC priority tasks
- HAVRC: Upgrade Intake for HAVRC 1.12 (Rick, Jan UI) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/HAVRC-28
- HAVRC: Upgrade Media Handling for HAVRC 1.12 (Rick, Jan UI) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/HAVRC-29
- HAVRC: Upgrade Cataloging for 1.12 (Rick, Jan) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/HAVRC-30
- HAVRC: Complete UI changes for Cataloging (Rick, Jan) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/HAVRC-31
- HAVRC: Reload data for 1.12 or work on on new data ETL for 1.12 (Chris or Yuteh) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/HAVRC-33
- HAVRC: Batch process - create Media records from Intake records (Glen) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/HAVRC-32
- HAVRC report: Image order report (Chris) See (existing) http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/HAVRC-21
- HAVRC data: ETL and mapping for more collection objects (works), authority data (Jan, TBD) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/HAVRC-34
- HAVRC Intake Order items count. (TBD) See http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/HAVRC-35
- - HAVRC batch process: DAM-ECM workflows
Other deployment tasks
- Bot Garden: Upgrade services for 1.12 (TBD)
- Bot Garden: Upgrade app layer for 1.12 (TBD)
- Bot Garden: Upgrade UI for 1.12 (TBD)
- Bot Garden data: ETL work on taxonomy, specimens (Lam)
- * MVZ fit-gap and planning (Chris, Lam)
- * Essig fit-gap (Chris, Joyce) and prototype (1.8 prototype running on ucjeps.collectionspace.org)
- * UCMP fit-gap (Chris, Joyce)
- Release management: Tagging, branching, etc. (Glen and Ray)
- * Mapping and Place-related: John D to lead task teams on Place Authority, mapping (via Berkeley Mapper), and georeferencing
These are also important and are coming up soon to various degrees
- Non-hierarchical relationships between authority terms (e.g., synonymy) (ALL) See the wireframe that includes the Related Terms (or sometimes it is called Other Related Terms") repeatable field group on several wireframes on the /wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666274420
- Report administration user interface. Not sure of status.
- Bulk import of media files (could this be done as a batch processing job?): Patrick to talk with Richard about approaches.
- Advanced Search (PAHMA): User can paste in a set of object numbers or specify a range of object numbers to be found in an advanced search (PAHMA). Or... create a batch process that will read a list of object numbers (in a file or window, whichever is easiest), and create a group/saved set.
- Media Handling: Actionable link to a URL for an asset in another system. See CSPACE-4415 (still assigned to v1.x). CSpace not expected to pass authn credentials; user will authenticate if needed. Ideally, this field would be repeatable and have associated attributes to be determined (e.g., date, type, note). As a result , the Image Record would not need to have an Image File uploaded. However, an Image Record that does have an Image File could use this field to identify where other versions of this image are deposited (e.g., CollectionSpace could have a JPEG while a repository has the TIFF).
- Run CSpace over https: Patrick to investigate.
- Crates and mobile containers (new fields on storage locations plus some intelligence tied to movements)
- UI for invoking batch process
- Public web site: According to MMI, they are building this. Will it be generalized so that others can use it?
- Advanced search: Allow operators: >, <, , >=, <+, not equals, range (between).
- Collecting event authority: Can it be based on Concept Authority? Probably not given place and calendar requirements.
- Attach PDF, Excel, Word, anything -- no viewing needed, just a simple attachment model
- Subloans
- Customizing field groups by adding new fields: According to SMK, this will be done by 2.0
- Specimen treatments and botanical propagation
- Media viewing: Pan and zoom (User can view large images in a pan-and-zoom image viewer like tilepic, zoomify, GoogleMaps, or IIPImage)
- Sticky Fields: Based on the record we are editing, create a new record that retains some of the values on the current record (e.g., keep last-used scientific name on UCJEPS media handling). Could this be done via batch processing? It would need to be invoked from the current record.
- Delphi integration (PAHMA)
Other requirements to monitor
- Authority bug (links to records in custom authorities not working): Some work is underway on this problem though timing of the fix is unclear (see Jiras CSPACE-3580 fixed in v1.12, CSPACE-3578 fixed in v1.8, 3579 in v1.13, 3588 fixed in v1.12)
- Hierarchies in Organization authority - Scheduled for 1.13 (CSPACE-3737)
- Change password - Users need a way to change their password. Is current approach (change password from main login screen really the only way?)
- Structured dates - Need to be able to use these in repeating fields and repeating field groups. (Scheduled for 1.13)
- Search across hierarchical and other relationships. (Depends on Nuxeo upgrade)
- Search across structured dates - can be based on actual dates (early, late) and qualifiers. (Depends on Nuxeo upgrade)
, multiple selections available,