UCB CSpace Dev-Deploy JIRA review meeting, April 15, 2013

UCB CSpace Dev-Deploy JIRA review meeting, April 15, 2013

Last week high level:

- end of day Wednesday have timeline for botgarden launch
 - end of day Friday have 3.2.2 out
 - Delphi moving ahead, blocked on Patrick

This week high level:

- 3.2.2 release

  • Close QA - April 15
  • Release: Package, tarball - by April 17

- Botgarden launch:

  • Friday, April 19 - Botgarden 3.2.2 code lock (soft deadline)
  • By Tuesday, April 23: Deploy 3.2.2 code to Botgarden server
  • Wednesday, April 24: Freeze SAGE. Begin data migration.
  • Monday, April 29 - Botgarden LIVE.


• 3.2.2 testing - all tasks taken. Likely closing QA testing down today. After that, package, tarball in next day or so.
One outstanding issue: Structured Date CSS fixes not propagated to LifeSci tenant?

• Optimizations on term completion (Ray). Several museums have been testing. Seems faster. No complaints. How much quicker on production systems? (Hard to tell.)

Chris: Need a formal task post 3.2.2 to benchmark performance in various, difficult (multi-user/multi-query) conditions.
3.2.2 upgrade benefits from upgrade to Postgres 9.2.

• Delphi/CSpace integration

Work is progressing. Next step: images, tiling. Anticipate using VIPS image management (tiling) engine.

• PAHMA-789 Creating relationship to movement record with many related objects is slow.

Assigned to Richard to see how Services layer is managing lists of relations.

• List of documentation topics for UI team - ready to send to Megan.

Should we specify where that documentation belongs?
Aron: In the configuration or developer sections of the doc wiki.

• Django status. Working everywhere but on the (IST) Dev virtual machine slice. Slice is running Python 2.6.6, local stacks are running Python 2.7.3. Richard proposes that we do no more debugging until we can get our Django implementation running on a different slice with Python 2.7.3. Agreed.

• Unified config - Richard to resume his work to develop a way to develop service layer config from app layer config. How would we test? How would we migrate existing deployments? (Will be backwards compatible. Richard will include a "Don't re-generate services layer config" option. Should not be required as part of a CSpace 3.3 upgrade.)


• Rick: UCBG-246 Need to set <terms-used> tag in app layer config for authority records to 'true' for concepts that include a field tied to an authority. Also: <services-tenant-singular> value must match the DocType for the item record. For example, 'Conceptauthorities' should be 'Conceptitems.' (See CSPACE-5684.)

• Tom: TaggitPro work. Trying to use OLE rather than ODBC connector, but TaggitPro can't decipher CSV files with commas embedded in the values and Excel formatting messes up TaggitPro.