UCB CSpace Dev-Deploy JIRA review meeting, May 6, 2013
UCB CSpace Dev-DeployJIRA review meeting notes: May 6, 2013
Review last week's priorities
Review priorities for next two months. (See: http://wiki.collectionspace.org/display/deploy/UCB+Deployment+Priorities+May-June+2013)
1. How to fashion a "version-workload report"-type view of upcoming work
MTB: Look at Agile plugins for JIRA (Scrum, Kanban) - see campus JIRA instance
2. Top three priorities:
A. Stability bugs
B. Django-based enhancements
C. Better definition of tasks. Better agreement with users of what work we can do. Better communication among community of users to advance process.
Also: Retrospective of Botgarden deployment. Scheduled for Thursday, May 16. Includes analysis, write-up, review.
Also: In-UI admin messaging system ("System is going down in 15 minutes.") - Rick to create CSPACE-future version JIRA.
Also: JIRAs for further Django-based apps; especially, advanced search and portal apps (per UCJEPS discussions)
JIRA review:
UCJEPS-403 (Rick): Issues with limiting # of db results to autocomplete match, then ordering afterwards -- confusing to users; where's the performance fall-off?
UCJEPS-343 (Rick): Issues with updating data via SQL queries (data cleanups): does not update fulltext table. How to work around? Or create a means to update data via the services? Rick to create separate JIRA.
Aron: per earlier discussion of ordering automatch results: Java-ordering is currently case-sensitive. Should change this to case-insensitive. Rick to create JIRA for Aron to do this.
John: Adding term-matching to parameterized iReports (e.g., storage location). Will create JIRA to add this code to Django framework. Perhaps include code to parse refNames.
Ray: CSPACE-5982: null-valued booleans breaking UI. Two bugs. 1. UI is setting null ("don't know") to false, i.e., falsifying data. 2. Underlying inability to save "null" ("unknown") for a boolean. If we enabled null ("tri-state"), would have to implement same in UI.
Bugfix v contribution? Ray as committer can make that decision.
Ray: What to work on this week? Performance? App-layer concurrency? Look at app-layer concurrency. Patrick and Ray will discuss.Wait for two weeks to look again at performance, until we have a similar sample size. Meanwhile, lack of problem reports is reassuring.
Rick: Needs some of Ray's time to make one more pass at UCJEPS term-matching optimization. Aron will change sorting in Java. Do that first, before increasing limit.
# END.