BAM-PFA logical entity mapping

BAM-PFA logical entity mapping

CineFiles - CSpace mapping
Updated 7/25/2013

CF = CineFiles
CS = CollectionSpace

CF Document becomes CS Collection Object

CF Image/Page becomes CS Media Handling

CF Film becomes CS Work authority (Jesse M. pending contribution)

CF Persons becomes CS Persons

CF Corporate Names becomes CS Org-vocab1

CF Committee becomes CF Org-vocab2

CF Committee Members: Look at UCBG organization customization (where we added a repeating group for persons)

CF Control Tables:

Genres: Needed on Film (repeating in XDB). For MMI, Jesse implemented a customized schema that includes Genre as a controlled list. However, the Genres table in CineFiles has additional metadata (e.g., Source, Note, Alt Genre).  Therefore, implement as a Concept vocabulary.

Alt Genre: These are alternative names for entries in the Genres table.  Import as non-preferred terms for those Genre records.

Languages and countries: ISO lists. Need to see how they compare to those in CSpace currently, possibly mapping as needed.

Subjects: Needed on Film (Work authority) and Cataloging.  Should find out what WAC, SMK, MMI have done with Subjects .  CSpace Media Handling has a repeating Subjects field, but it is uncontrolled text. MMI does not have Subject on their extensions to the Work authority.  Tentatively, implement as a Concept vocabulary.

Asset Management: Communications with copyright holders about permissions.  What to do with this?  Maybe media?  Maybe concept authority vocabulary with a rights field some place? GAP.

Targets for rights access and granularity will be finer here than in other collections.  Document level, author level, etc.  Publish on campus, to educational systems, to world.  Review this with Nancy.  Usually set according to publisher.  Default is to show to all. GAP.

Authority sources: 13 records with three fields (code, name, and note).  Could be implemented as an Organization vocabulary or Concept vocabulary, or maybe just a controlled list tied to specific fields. 

Themes: Not used in CineFiles-XDB but could be useful. GAP.