Object Description data mapping
This page contains information about PAHMA's data migration of Object Description Information.
See parent page on PAHMA data migration ETL work.
Person depicted extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ConXrefs |
constituentID |
contentPerson |
reference to Person Authority |
sql query
view: cs_personsdepicted (refreshed 2012-04-20)
SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, x.constituentID contentPerson FROM ConXrefs x JOIN roles r ON x.roleID = r.roleID JOIN objects o ON x.ID = o.objectID JOIN constituents c ON x.constituentID = c.constituentID WHERE x.tableID = 108 AND x.active = 1 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND c.constituentTypeID = 1 AND lower(r.ROLE) IN ('subject') ;
Place depicted extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ThesXrefs |
termID |
contentPlace |
reference to Place Authority |
sql query
view: cs_placesdepicted (refreshed 2012-04-20)
SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, x.termID contentPlace FROM ThesXrefs x JOIN ThesXrefTypes t ON x.thesXrefTypeID = t.thesXrefTypeID JOIN Objects o ON x.ID = o.objectID WHERE x.tableID = 108 AND x.active = 1 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND x.thesXrefTableID = 346 AND lower(t.thesXrefType) IN ('subject') ;
Cultural group depicted extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
TextEntries |
textEntry |
contentPeople |
where textTypeID is 110 or 111 |
sql query
view: cs_culturalgroupsdepicted (refreshed 2012-04-20)
SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, t.TextEntry contentPeople FROM TextEntries t JOIN Objects o ON t.ID = o.objectID JOIN TextTypes tt ON t.TextTypeID = tt.TextTypeID WHERE t.tableID = 108 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND t.TextTypeID IN (110, 111) ;
Content note extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
TextEntries |
textEntry |
contentNote |
where textTypeID is 85 |
sql query
view: cs_contentnotes (refreshed 2012-04-20)
SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, t.TextEntry contentNote FROM TextEntries t JOIN Objects o ON t.ID = o.objectID JOIN TextTypes tt ON t.TextTypeID = tt.TextTypeID WHERE t.tableID = 108 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND t.TextTypeID = 85 ;
Inscription content extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
Objects |
Signed |
inscriptionContent |
TextEntries |
textEntry |
inscriptionContent |
where textTypeID is 19, 20, 22, 78, or 87 |
sql query
view: cs_inscriptionscontent (refreshed 2012-04-20)
SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, NULL inscriptionContent_prefix, o.Signed inscriptionContent, NULL inscriptionType, NULL inscriptionTransliteration, NULL inscriptionTranslation, NULL inscriptionInterpretation, NULL inscriptionLanguage, NULL inscriptionScript, NULL inscriptionPosition, NULL inscriptionMethod, NULL inscriptionDate FROM Objects o WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND o.Signed IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, (CASE WHEN t.textTypeID IN (19, 20, 22, 123) THEN substring(tt.TextType, 7, 1) + lower(substring(tt.TextType, 8, len(tt.TextType))) + ': ' ELSE '' END) inscriptionContent_prefix, (CASE WHEN len(t.MTB_Inscription) > 2 THEN t.MTB_Inscription ELSE t.TextEntry END) inscriptionContent, (CASE WHEN t.textTypeID IN (19, 20, 22, 123) THEN 'coin inscription' ELSE '' END) inscriptionType, t.MTB_Transliteration inscriptionTransliteration, t.MTB_Translation inscriptionTranslation, t.MTB_Interpretation inscriptionInterpretation, t.MTB_Language inscriptionLanguage, t.MTB_Script inscriptionScript, t.MTB_InscriptionPosition inscriptionPosition, t.MTB_InscriptionMethod inscriptionMethod, t.MTB_Dated inscriptionDate FROM TextEntries t JOIN Objects o ON t .ID = o.objectID JOIN TextTypes tt ON t.TextTypeID = tt.TextTypeID WHERE t.tableID = 108 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND t.TextTypeID IN (19, 20, 22, 78, 87, 123)
- NOTE: 'inscriptionContent_prefix' should be prepended to 'inscriptionContent' prior to import (this can't be done here because some fields are type TEXT
which cannot be concatenated in SQL) - NOTE: multiple notes per object should be concatenated into single (non-repeating) field inscriptionContent, separated by line breaks
- June 12, 2012: View updated to add additional fields