BAMPFA Testing Feedback
BAMPFA Testing Feedback
From 10/17/2014 discussions
- Report sorting by different columns (multiple reports, and or CSV output)
- Performance testing
- Multiple artists in reports - include nationalities and birth countries (look for other calculation)
- Add Artist display override field in Cataloging, use it on reports when not blank
- Drop down menu values, e.g., Other Number Type - Set new values or hide (Lisa to create list)
- Persons - any fields to hide, maybe Term Status
- Cataloger Information
- Date showing in Zulu time
- Advanced Search - include Cataloger Name
- Add some control to Cataloger Name field
- Data cleanup to standardize names in Name field
- Relabel "Note" to "Changes Made"
- Resize Date to be shorter
- Collections Worksheet
- Show more rows from Cataloger Info
- Show more rows from Measurement Summaries
- YES. Refactor Andrew's metadata embedding tool to use CollectionSpace (additional funding approved).
- Change permissions so users can create Groups of Collection Items without having write permission on Collection Items
- Make Copyright Holder be controlled to a vocabulary.
- Review how to do data entry for new artist names (e.g., search in term completion widget; if not there, open up new browser tab via right-click on "Create New"; add person with all metadata; go back to Cataloging browser tab)
- Create some tip documents that can be the beginning of a cataloging manual
- Train people how to use multiple browser tabs in CSpace so they can have search results list and work on updates