Providing data for the Drupal web site

Providing data for the Drupal web site


This document is obsolete and should not be used except as an artifact. Refer to the appropriate JIRA for details of the current BAMPFA public site.

This documents the mapping of BAM/PFA Art Collection metadata from CollectionSpace to the Drupal web site framework for the main BAM/PFA web site.

Collection Items

FM Pro Field NameDescriptionExampleCSpace mapping and questions
__kp_CollectionItem_IDUnique key fieldCOL012345We imported the FM Pro "COL" numbers into the hidden CSpace field copyNumber but it won't be maintained for new items.  Mediatrope: Should we a) give you only are internal unique identifiers (CSID which is a UUID), b) give you copyNumber where we have it and CSIDs for new objects?  Note we found that the COL numbers were not to be trusted!
A.D.B.C. A.D. 
Circabooleanyes/no/blankWe were told that this field was no longer useful because it was assumed everyone was now entering "circa" or "c." in the Early Date or Late Date fields.  We can provide the yes/no circa data that we imported but it will be blank in new records.
EarliestDatetext, not date format"n.d., 16th c.", "1902"When we imported Earliest Date and Latest Date into the Production Date field in CollectionSpace, we populated a single CollectionSpace structured date schema that comprises a display date (calculated by concatenating to create "Earliest Date - Latest Date"), and earliest dates and latest date parts. This allows us to have a nice display date but to also have date-based boundaries. Mediatrope: Do you want to add a display date? What are you doing with the FM Pro Earliest Date and Latest Date fields? Let's talk!


FM Pro calculation: Substitute ( List ( Artist LineItems::AttributionQualifier_exp ) ; "¶" ; "|" ).  A concatenated list pipe-separated."NONE", blank, "Attributed to"It seems strange but we can give this to you unless there is something else you would like.
exp_ArtistsIDsFM Pro calculation: Substitute ( List ( Artist LineItems::_kf_Artist_ID ) ; "¶" ; "|" )ART1317|ART1133The existing artist records will have these same identifiers, but new artists will have a CSpace "short identifier" that looks more like "ChrisHoffman109870124309870". 
exp_ArtistsNamesconcatenated pipe-delimited list of FML name forms. FM Pro calculation: If ( not IsEmpty ( Artist LineItems::_kf_Artist_ID ) ; Substitute ( List ( Artist LineItems::ArtistName_fml ) ; "¶" ; "|" ) ; Artist )Jacques Villon|Henri Matisse

This does get the Artist Display Override.


concatenated pipe-delimited list of PeriodStyle values. FM Pro calculation not in files we have but it looks straightforward.Abstract Expressionism|Abstraction|Modernism  (for 1966.62) 
exp_Subdescriptionconcatenated pipe-delimited list of ThemeSubject values. FM Pro calculation not in files we have but it looks straightforward.History|-Place (named)|Landscape|-Urban (for 1978.24.8)

Note that in CSpace, these became "History-Place (named)" and "Landscape-Urban" so the list of accepted values will be different.

ID Number   
ItemClass  On import we standardized the upper-case/lower-case handling of these data.
LatestDateText"late 18th century", "1902"See Earliest Date for discussion. Mediatrope: We could give you pretty much what you have or something slightly different and perhaps better.
zz_ModificationTimestampFM Pro timestamp4/1/2014 7:28:23 PMCSpace timestamps are different (Postgres UTC "Zulu" time) but I can try to convert to this format.


FM Pro Field NameDescriptionExampleCSpace mapping and questions
__kp_Artist_IDUnique artist identifierART012345The existing artist records will have these same identifiers, but new artists will have a CSpace "short identifier" that looks more like "ChrisHoffman109870124309870". 
c_FullName_fmlFM Pro calculation:

Case (

         NameLast = "Unknown" ; NameLast & " (" & Nationality & ")" ;

Substitute (

                  List ( NamePrefix ; NameFirst ; NameMiddle ; NameLast ; NameSufix ; ) ;

                  "¶" ;

                 " "


        ) // end case



FM Pro calculation:


Case (

          IsEmpty ( Artist::DOB_Year & Artist::DOD_Year ) ; ""  ;

          IsEmpty ( Artist::DOD_Year ) and not IsEmpty ( Artist::DOB_Year ) ; "born " & Artist::DOB_Year ;

          IsEmpty ( Artist::DOB_Year ) and not IsEmpty ( Artist::DOD_Year ) ; "dead " & Artist::DOD_Year ;

         Artist::DOB_Year & "—" & Artist::DOD_Year )

"c. 1730—c. 1776", "born 1941", "dead 1884", "1898—1976"I will have to study how we imported these data into CollectionSpace, but we can probably do something just like this.
ct_NationalityDisplayFM Pro calculation: Artist::Nationality & If ( not IsEmpty ( Artist::BirthCountry ) ; ", born " & Artist::BirthCountry ; "" )"Flanders, born Netherlands" 
Dates Active   
DOB_Year "c. 1863" 


 "after 1787" 


Other Regional Info   
zz_ModificationTimestamp 9/10/2014 9:35:49 PMCSpace timestamps are different (Postgres UTC "Zulu" time) but I can try to convert to this format.