BAM-PFA Art CollectionSpace Schedule Sept-Oct 2014

BAM-PFA Art CollectionSpace Schedule Sept-Oct 2014

This is a proposed schedule for the BAM/PFA Art CollectionSpace deployment project as we move into the final several weeks of the project.

Launch Monday, Nov 3.

Freeze data end of day Tuesday, Oct 28. 

Next acquisition meeting Nov 10 after which there is important data entry in the system.

September 15-19

  • DONE. Final customizations in CollectionSpace (excluding Collection Texts)
  • DONE. FileMaker: Schema must be frozen.
  • ONGOING. Image workflows design and analysis.  (Note: Assume day one need existing JPEGS that are in FMPro and workflow for new digitization too.  Assume that more design on the "final" solution will come later.)
  • DONE. Collection Texts information gathering
  • ONGOING. Web app development and testing

September 22-26

  • DONE. Order Production VM and start setting it up.
  • ONGOING. Web apps development and testing
  • DONE. Collection Texts decision - simple implementation on cataloging
  • ONGOING. Reports are a priority - How can Orlando get exports (based on SQL work that John and Chris are doing); e.g., first five reports (e.g., exhibition checklist for a group of objects, to be used by curators).

September 29 - October 3

  • ONGOING. CSpace testing by BAM/PFA - small group - with assistance by CSpace team
  • RISK. Image workflows decision (Note: Assume day one need existing JPEGS that are in FMPro and workflow for new digitization too.  Assume that more design on the "final" solution will come later.)
  • ONGOING. Web app development and testing
  • DISCUSSION HELD. Users, roles and permissions
  • DONE. Penultimate data load (ensure all other dependencies resolved, e.g. Artist)

October 6-9

  • RISK. Image workflows decision (Note: Assume day one need existing JPEGS that are in FMPro and workflow for new digitization too.  Assume that more design on the "final" solution will come later.)
  • DEFERRED. Image importing and testing.
  • ONGOING. Requirements for reports.
  • ONGOING. Web app development and testing
  • DEFERRED. Planning for CSpace testing by BAM/PFA (larger group) and training

October 13-17

  • SOME TESTING BY LISA AND ORLANDO WITH FEEDBACK MAINLY ABOUT SEARCH. CSpace testing by BAM/PFA (larger group) and training (Rick and Chris)
  • LIKELY WILL USE BULK MEDIA UPLOADER BUT MAYBE NOT DAY ONE.  Image workflows decision (Chris, John and BAM/PFA)
  • GLEN LOOKING AT IMAGES FROM ALEX. Image importing and testing (Glen)
  • IN PROCESS. Web apps development and testing (John)
  • IN PROCESS WITH SOME FEEDBACK. Build initial reports (Chris and Lam)
  • IN PROCESS. Build data extract for OAS (Chris and Lam)
  • ADDITIONAL FUNDING APPROVED, NEED DATA SOURCE. Build extract for embedding metadata (SQL to leverage data extract, maybe via a view; Ray to look at Andrew's Java code)

October 20-24

  • CSpace testing by BAM/PFA (larger group) and training (Rick with Lisa).  End of week summary: Discussions held with Lisa, Orlando and Genevieve.  Rick will work on scheduling a session with registrars on Wednesday 10/29 afternoon.  See BAM-PFA Art Training. Chris and Rick met with Genevieve and did some cataloging.
  • Image importing and testing (Glen).  End of week summary: Glen has imported images on a test basis.  We need to decide if we need to get a different set that includes more recent images too.
  • Modify Media Handling to behave more like CineFiles (Ray).  End of week summary: Done
  • Systematic Inventory and Packing List web apps Initial Delivery; testing by users (John).  End of week summary: Testing session set up for Wednesday 10/29.
  • Build initial reports (Lam and Chris).  End of week summary: First four reports working though some enhancements to Collections Worksheet requested.
  • Build data extract for OAS (Chris).  End of week summary: Chris has given Orlando one data set, but now he's using a different SQL.
  • Build extract for embedding metadata (Ray and Chris).  End of week summary: Data view created but does need to be modified (measurements needs to substitute '-' with ' ').  Ray working on Java.
  • DONE. Restore production database to bampfa-dev, update Locations and LMIs to latest. (John)

October 27-31

  • Build some data testing tools (Chris and John).  End of week summary: In process.
  • Order and start UCBackup (Chris and Glen).  End of week summary: Done
  • Set expectations about images (only Alex Drupal set on day 1), media handling (no automated uploader on day 1), and Inject Metadata (probably not available day 1).  End of week summary: Done
  • End of day Tuesday October 28: Freeze FileMaker data and send to IST (Orlando).  End of week summary: Chris discussed with Orlando and Lisa.
  • Wednesday AM: Import Persons into production server (Lam).  End of week summary: done.
  • Wednesday AM: Extract data from FMPro  (Chris).  End of week summary: Done.
  • Import Collectionobjects, etc. into production server (Chris).  End of week summary: Done.
  • Import Locations and LMI into production server (John). .  End of week summary: Done.
  • Image importing and testing (Glen and Rick): Glen to recreate blob and media handling records..  End of week summary: Done.
  • Reload report xml payloads (Lam and Chris).  End of week summary: In process.
  • Build relationships between Collection Objects and Media Handling records (Lam). End of week summary: Done.
  • Testing and Training by CSpace team and BAM/PFA; scheduled for Wed 10/29 11-noon (Chris, John, and Rick).  End of week summary: Three trainings held. 
  • Test reports and data extracts (Chris, Lam, and BAM/PFA).  End of week summary: In process.
  • Confirm users and roles for day 1 (Chris and Rick).  End of week summary: In process.
  • Final training and documentation (CSpace team and BAM/PFA).  End of week summary: In process
  • Update github with reports, functions, and views..  End of week summary: Needs to be done.

November 3-14

  • Launch CollectionSpace. Nov 10 status: System launched to registrars and catalogers.
  • Make quick enhancements to high priority items. Nov 10 status: Done!
  • Launch initial web applications: Systematic Inventory and Packing List (John). Nov 10 status: In process, communication sent.
  • Update github with reports, functions, and views. Nov 10 status: In process.
  • Final training and documentation (CSpace team and BAM/PFA).  (Media Handling with Beth, Michael, and Orlando; Curators; Catalogers part 2). Nov 10 status: More trainings held, more scheduled.
  • Test Inject Metadata program and develop workflow. Nov 10 status: Tested by Michael and Orlando; with Beth on Friday.
  • Build some data testing tools (Chris and John). Nov 10 status: In process.
  • Test reports and data extracts (Chris, Lam, and BAM/PFA). Nov 10 status: In process.
  • Design process for image uploading (BMU or file transfer-based). Nov 10 status: In process (BMU upload UI done); workflow to be discussed Friday.
  • Figure out how to get newer images. Nov 10 status: In process.
  • Workflows/usage guidance: Cataloger Information usage; Adding artists/makers; Nov 10 status: To be done.
  • Edit text on login screen. Nov 10 status: To be done.
  • Communicate to major stakeholders. Nov 10 status: In process.


  • Celebrate!
  • "Measure Step, Lessons Learned"  (CSpace team and BAM/PFA)
  • Power Move web app initial delivery; testing by users (John)
  • Move Plan refinement and testing (CSpace team and BAM/PFA)
  • Begin design work on denorm tables for harvesting by BAM/PFA Drupal
  • Begin design work on more comprehensive image management, coordinated with Research Hub retirement project