BAM-PFA Art CollectionSpace Reports
Layouts and screenshots are available (restricted access)
Priorities from BAM/PFA
From Lisa Calden, 10/13/2014:
You had asked for the top 5 reports that we would want on day 1. I would propose the following 4 that are currently in our FileMaker database:
- Collections Worksheet
- Acc/Other Number Report (with addition of measurement/dimensions field as we discussed)
- Collection Report (with addition of measurement/dimensions field)
- Location Report
For the fifth report, I would like to request an exhibition checklist, which does not already exist in FM. Although we will eventually need several versions of this report, we would like to start with a simple illustrated checklist in two versions--one for a single artist exhibition, the other for a multiple artist exhibition.
I have attached a sample for the single artist exhibition from our recent Hofmann by Hofmann exhibition. As you will see, the fields are: Title, Date, Medium, Measurements, Credit Line, Accession Number. The multiple artist version would be the same except with the addition of the Artist's Name (formatted first name first) as the top field.
Although not in our "top 5", I am also attaching a copy of the BAM/PFA (incoming) loan form as well, so you have it.
Collections Worksheet (from Cataloging record) - Chris
- From an individual collection item, user can run a one page report for that item
- FM Pro Layout: Collection Worksheet
- Layout: Form
- Fields
- Classification
- Accession #
- Other Numbers
- Artist
- Origin or Place (artist) [Artist.ct_NationalityDisplay = Artist::Nationality & If ( not IsEmpty ( Artist::BirthCountry ) ; ", born " & Artist::BirthCountry ; "" )]
- Date of Birth
- Date of Death
- Dates Active
- Item Title
- Date Made
- Materials/Technique (presumably just materials field)
- Measurement
- Signature
- Credit Line
- Date Acquired
- Source
- Provenance
- Cataloger
- Catalog Date
- Initial Value
- Current Value
- Current Value Source
Current Vlaue Date - General Notes or Comments
Acc/Other Number Report (from Group record) - Lam
- From an individual group record, user can run list report
- FM Pro Layout: RPT_Acc/Other Number Report
- Layout: List of related cataloging records
- Sort by sortable object number
- Footer: Includes user name, page number, and sum total of Current Value records
- Fields
- Accession #
- Other Number
- Artist
- Title
- Materials
- Add: Measurements summary
- Current Value
Collection Report (from Group record) - Lam
- From an individual group record, user can run list report
- FM Pro Layout: Collection Report
- Layout: List of related cataloging records, not tabular.
- Sort by sortable object number
- Fields
- Accession #
- Artist (calculated)
- Title
- Exclude: Current Location
- Credit Line
- Date Made
- Measurement summary
- Materials
Location Report (from Group record) - Lam
- From an individual group record, user can run list report
- FM Pro Layout: Location Report
- Layout: List of related cataloging records, tabular.
- Sort by sortable object number
- Fields
- Accession #
- Artist (calculated)
- Title
- Item Class
- Measurement summary
- Current Location
- Add: Current Crate (maybe concatenate this with Current Location if not null?)
Exhibition Checklist (from Group record, Word output) - Chris
- From an individual group record, user can run list report
- FM Pro Layout: New report
- Layout: List of related cataloging records, non-tabular.
- Sort by sortable object number
- Fields: Title, Date, Medium, Measurements, Credit Line, Accession Number. The multiple artist version would be the same except with the addition of the Artist's Name (formatted first name first) as the top field.
- Image included!
- Presumably the Exhibition Information in the report (see the sample in Drive) will come from the Group record?
- Output to Word.
To be able to use the Word output of this file, these steps might be required:
- After the report runs and opens the Word file, select Save As... and save the file to a new name and location.
- Then edit the file if you need to.
We suspect that the Word document format supported by iReport is older, and the file needs to be converted to the format supported by the user's version of Word.
New or Incomplete Person records (from Persons) - TBD
- From person record, user can run list report showing person records, probably entered in term completion widget that lack fields entered via the Person record editor: name parts, FML vs. LFM versions, and so on.
- Layout: Tabular list with links to record?
- Sort by name
- Fields: TBD.
- Output to PDF or Word, whichever is easiest to use as a checklist for further data entry.