Bugs in Search and Reporting

Bugs in Search and Reporting

Bugs and other known issues

  • Searching on "IL*" in "objects" will not return all records that start with that prefix because many loan numbers were initially formatted with a hypen. (Eg: IL-0004.) When special characters (aside from numbers, letters, and periods) are included in the accession number, the search results will not return complete.
  • When an object record has two or more entries in "Previous Number," it will appear twice in the search results.
  • When running a report on "history/location": Because most object records have multiple recorded locations, most rows on the excel report from OC have more than one location code in the "location entry" cell. Like other cases in which multiple pieces of data appear in the same cell, the values are listed and separated with semicolons. The problem with this in "history" is that the entries are listed in chronological order. So it is impossible to sort the report by current location. See history report sample.