General notes on Entities data

General notes on Entities data

  • There are 8805 Entity Authority records total.
    • There are lots of ALLCAPS authority records that are improperly formatted. I cannot filter/search for this, however.
    • 744 records with parentheticals after the authority name. (89 of these have no usage). See list.
      • Common parentheticals are: (actor), (Character), (fictitious character), (Manufacturer), (puppet), (Manfuacturer of camera), (copyright holder), (Photographer), (Actress)
      • Less common: (dog), (DDDD- ), (DDDD - DDDD)
    • 67 entity records have a value for "Salutation." Some include two salutations, as for a couple (eg "Mr. & Mrs."). All of these appear to be donors.
    • 2727 with no first name.
    • Many "first names" appear that are parts of corporation names rather than first names. Since this is not a required category, it is unclear why this is filled for corporations.
    • 320 have middle names. All seem fine.
    • 852 with parentheses (includes most of the 744 that have parentheses in the authority name). See list.
    • 1637 have sources. All are fine.
    • These may be from the access database. It's unclear what they are for.
    • There are 2080 records with values in this field. However, the ID numbers go up to 2289. Many numbers are skipped. the numbers "1" and "2" are repeated as ID numbers in many individual (and seemingly unrelated) entity records.
  • TYPE
    • 850 Corporations. Almost none have first names. Make this uniform?
    • 2611 Individuals
    • 5318 unclassified
    • 247 have source notes. Most are preceded by "Profession:" or "Organization:" followed by the profession/organizational affiliation of the individual. Many (most?) entities appearing here are donors.
    • 85 records have a value for "title." They are mostly job titles (eg "Senior Vice President," "Wardrobe Department," "Registrar," "Plus Toy Manager").
    • 608 have history notes.
  • LIFESPAN (Numeric Value):
    • a: 68 only have one date, which is not specified as birth or death
    • b: 25 only list birth date "born DDDD." One lists a death date only.
    • c: 361 have date ranges ending in 9999. We would like to delete "9999" in each case and leave the date blank. This can hopefully be automated by the programmer.
    • All three above categories are listed in partial birth-death dates.xls. I will clean this up, changing everything except for (c).